Human cooperation

DG Rand, MA Nowak - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2013 -
Why should you help a competitor? Why should you contribute to the public good if free
riders reap the benefits of your generosity? Cooperation in a competitive world is a …

Evolutionary games on graphs

G Szabó, G Fath - Physics reports, 2007 - Elsevier
Game theory is one of the key paradigms behind many scientific disciplines from biology to
behavioral sciences to economics. In its evolutionary form and especially when the …

Strategy evolution on higher-order networks

A Sheng, Q Su, L Wang, JB Plotkin - Nature Computational Science, 2024 -
Cooperation is key to prosperity in human societies. Population structure is well understood
as a catalyst for cooperation, where research has focused on pairwise interactions. But …

Evolutionary dynamics on any population structure

B Allen, G Lippner, YT Chen, B Fotouhi, N Momeni… - Nature, 2017 -
Evolution occurs in populations of reproducing individuals. The structure of a population can
affect which traits evolve,. Understanding evolutionary game dynamics in structured …

Models of cooperation based on the Prisoner's Dilemma and the Snowdrift game

M Doebeli, C Hauert - Ecology letters, 2005 - Wiley Online Library
Understanding the mechanisms that can lead to the evolution of cooperation through natural
selection is a core problem in biology. Among the various attempts at constructing a theory …

Stochastic dynamics of invasion and fixation

A Traulsen, MA Nowak, JM Pacheco - … E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter …, 2006 - APS
We study evolutionary game dynamics in finite populations. We analyze an evolutionary
process, which we call pairwise comparison, for which we adopt the ubiquitous Fermi …

Evolution of direct reciprocity under uncertainty can explain human generosity in one-shot encounters

AW Delton, MM Krasnow, L Cosmides… - Proceedings of the …, 2011 -
Are humans too generous? The discovery that subjects choose to incur costs to allocate
benefits to others in anonymous, one-shot economic games has posed an unsolved …

Self-destructive cooperation mediated by phenotypic noise

M Ackermann, B Stecher, NE Freed, P Songhet… - Nature, 2008 -
In many biological examples of cooperation, individuals that cooperate cannot benefit from
the resulting public good. This is especially clear in cases of self-destructive cooperation …

Game theory of public goods in one-shot social dilemmas without assortment

M Archetti, I Scheuring - Journal of theoretical biology, 2012 - Elsevier
We review the theory of public goods in biology. In the N-person prisoner's dilemma, where
the public good is a linear function of the individual contributions, cooperation requires some …

Evolutionary dynamics of collective action in N-person stag hunt dilemmas

JM Pacheco, FC Santos… - Proceedings of the …, 2009 -
In the animal world, collective action to shelter, protect and nourish requires the cooperation
of group members. Among humans, many situations require the cooperation of more than …