Semisynthetic zigzag optical lattice for ultracold bosons
We propose a cold-atom realization of a zigzag ladder. The two legs of the ladder
correspond to a “synthetic” dimension given by two internal (spin) states of the atoms, so that …
correspond to a “synthetic” dimension given by two internal (spin) states of the atoms, so that …
Antiferromagnetic correlations in two-dimensional fermionic Mott-insulating and metallic phases
JH Drewes, LA Miller, E Cocchi, CF Chan, N Wurz… - Physical review …, 2017 - APS
We experimentally study the emergence of antiferromagnetic correlations between ultracold
fermionic atoms in a two-dimensional optical lattice with decreasing temperature. We …
fermionic atoms in a two-dimensional optical lattice with decreasing temperature. We …
Universal dynamics of density correlations at the transition to the many-body localized state
Within one-dimensional disordered models of interacting fermions, we perform a numerical
study of several dynamical density correlations, which can serve as hallmarks of the …
study of several dynamical density correlations, which can serve as hallmarks of the …
Simulating heavy fermion physics in optical lattice: Periodic Anderson model with harmonic trap** potential
Y Zhong, Y Liu, HG Luo - Frontiers of Physics, 2017 - Springer
The periodic Anderson model (PAM), where local electron orbitals interplay with itinerant
electronic carriers, plays an essential role in our understanding of heavy fermion materials …
electronic carriers, plays an essential role in our understanding of heavy fermion materials …
[PDF][PDF] A two-orbital quantum gas with tunable interactions
M Höfer - 2017 - pure.mpg.de
Im letzten Jahrzehnt haben sich Quantengasexperimente als gut kontrollierbare
Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung komplexer Fragestellungen aus diversen Bereichen der …
Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung komplexer Fragestellungen aus diversen Bereichen der …
Many-body interactions in a dissipative frozen strontium Rydberg gas
D Sadler - 2016 - etheses.dur.ac.uk
This thesis describes an investigation of Rydberg excitation within a high-density sample of
cold strontium atoms. This sample is prepared using a two-stage magneto-optical trap …
cold strontium atoms. This sample is prepared using a two-stage magneto-optical trap …
[PDF][PDF] A Quantum Gas Microscope of Two-electron Atoms with Fluorescence and Faraday Imaging
R Yamamoto - 2016 - repository.kulib.kyoto-u.ac.jp
Ultracold quantum gases in an optical lattice enable us to study a strongly correlated system.
The single-site-resolved imaging and the single-site addressing technique, called a …
The single-site-resolved imaging and the single-site addressing technique, called a …
A model study of momentum-selective Mott physics
SAE Huber - 2020 - edoc.ub.uni-muenchen.de
The Fermi liquid theory is a central concept in modern condensed matter physics used to
describe conventional metals. A state of this universality class consists of well-defined …
describe conventional metals. A state of this universality class consists of well-defined …
[Цитат][C] A model study of momentum-selective Mott physics: numerical approaches and effective models for hole-doped Mott insulators
SAE Huber - 2020 - Dissertation, München, Ludwig …