Topological effects in nanomagnetism: from superparamagnetism to chiral quantum solitons

HB Braun - Advances in Physics, 2012‏ - Taylor & Francis
Micromagnetics has been the method of choice to interpret experimental data in the area of
microscopic magnetism for several decades. In this article, we show how progress has been …

Nanoparticle magnetism

GC Papaefthymiou - Nano Today, 2009‏ - Elsevier
The current status of fundamental physics that govern nanoparticle magnetism is reviewed.
Emphasis is placed on studies of the particles' intrinsic spin structure as influenced by …

Magnetic nanoparticles

RH Kodama - Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 1999‏ - Elsevier
Intrinsic properties of magnetic nanoparticles are reviewed, with special emphasis on the
effects of finite size on zero-temperature spin ordering, magnetic excitations, and relaxation …

[ספר][B] The Langevin equation: with applications to stochastic problems in physics, chemistry and electrical engineering

W Coffey, YP Kalmykov - 2012‏ -
This volume is the third edition of the first-ever elementary book on the Langevin equation
method for the solution of problems involving the translational and rotational Brownian …

Surface Spin Disorder in Nanoparticles

RH Kodama, AE Berkowitz, EJ McNiff Jr, S Foner - Physical review letters, 1996‏ - APS
Nickel ferrite nanoparticles exhibit anomalous magnetic properties at low temperatures: low
magnetization with a large differential susceptibility at high fields, hysteresis loops which are …

Finite-size effects in fine particles: magnetic and transport properties

X Batlle, A Labarta - Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2002‏ -
Some of the most relevant finite-size and surface effects in the magnetic and transport
properties of magnetic fine particles and granular solids are reviewed. The stability of the …

Magnetic relaxation in fine‐particle systems

JL Dormann, D Fiorani, E Tronc - Advances in chemical physics, 1997‏ - Wiley Online Library
Fine magnetic particles have generated continuous interest since the late 1940s as the
study of their properties has revealed to be very challenging scientifically and …

Coexistence of superconductivity and ferromagnetism in URhGe

D Aoki, A Huxley, E Ressouche, D Braithwaite… - Nature, 2001‏ -
The discovery of superconductivity at high pressure (albeit over a restricted range) in the
ferromagnetic material UGe2 raised the possibility that bulk superconductivity might be …

Macroscopic measurement of resonant magnetization tunneling in high-spin molecules

JR Friedman, MP Sarachik, J Tejada, R Ziolo - Physical review letters, 1996‏ - APS
We report the observation of steps at regular intervals of magnetic field in the hysteresis loop
of a macroscopic sample of oriented M n 12 O 12 (CH 3 COO) 16 (H 2 O) 4 crystals. The …

[ספר][B] Simple models of magnetism

R Skomski - 2008‏ -
For hundreds of years, models of magnetism have been pivotal in the understanding and
advancement of science and technology, from the Earth's interpretation as a magnetic dipole …