Named data networking: a survey
Internet was developed as a packet data network where users and data sources (server)
with specific IP addresses interacted over a pre-established communication channel. This …
with specific IP addresses interacted over a pre-established communication channel. This …
Packet forwarding in named data networking requirements and survey of solutions
Named Data Networking (NDN) is the most promising paradigm recently conceived for
future Internet architectures, where communications are driven by content instead of host …
future Internet architectures, where communications are driven by content instead of host …
Named data networking of things
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a vision for interconnecting all of the world's" things"--from
vehicles to diet scales, smart homes and electrical grids--through a common set of …
vehicles to diet scales, smart homes and electrical grids--through a common set of …
Interest flooding attacks in named data networking: survey of existing solutions, open issues, requirements, and future directions
Named Data Networking (NDN) is a prominent realization of the vision of Information-Centric
Networking. The NDN architecture adopts name-based routing and location-independent …
Networking. The NDN architecture adopts name-based routing and location-independent …
A machine learning-based interest flooding attack detection system in vehicular named data networking
A vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) has significantly improved transportation efficiency with
efficient traffic management, driving safety, and delivering emergency messages. However …
efficient traffic management, driving safety, and delivering emergency messages. However …
Smart name lookup for NDN forwarding plane via neural networks
Name lookup is a key technology for the forwarding plane of content router in Named Data
Networking (NDN). To realize the efficient name lookup, what counts is deploying a high …
Networking (NDN). To realize the efficient name lookup, what counts is deploying a high …
A fast and memory-efficient trie structure for name-based packet forwarding
Name lookup is an essential function, but a performance bottleneck in both today's and
future network architectures. Variable-length and unbounded names rather than fixed-length …
future network architectures. Variable-length and unbounded names rather than fixed-length …
Request aggregation, caching, and forwarding strategies for improving large climate data distribution with ndn: a case study
Scientific domains such as Climate Science, High Energy Particle Physics (HEP) and others,
routinely generate and manage petabytes of data, projected to rise into exabytes [26]. The …
routinely generate and manage petabytes of data, projected to rise into exabytes [26]. The …
Ndnizing existing applications: Research issues and experiences
A major challenge to potential ICN/NDN deployment is the requirement of application
support, namely, applications need to be rewritten or modified in order to run on NDN …
support, namely, applications need to be rewritten or modified in order to run on NDN …
INF-NDN IoT: An intelligent naming and forwarding in name data networking for Internet of Things
Internet of things (IoT) has emerged as a quintessential paradigm of communication
systems. Current literature introduces notion of a named data network for IoT (NDN-IoT) …
systems. Current literature introduces notion of a named data network for IoT (NDN-IoT) …