Exploring UAV Networking from the Terrain Information Completeness Perspective: A Tutorial
Terrain information is a crucial factor affecting the performance of unmanned aerial vehicle
(UAV) networks. As a tutorial, this article provides a unique perspective on the completeness …
(UAV) networks. As a tutorial, this article provides a unique perspective on the completeness …
Terrain-based UAV deployment: Providing coverage for outdoor users
Deploying unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) networks to provide coverage for outdoor users
has attracted great attention during the last decade. However, outdoor coverage is …
has attracted great attention during the last decade. However, outdoor coverage is …
Ultra Reliable Low Latency Routing in LEO Satellite Constellations: A Stochastic Geometry Approach
In recent years, LEO satellite constellations have become envisioned as a core component
of the next-generation wireless communication networks. The successive establishment of …
of the next-generation wireless communication networks. The successive establishment of …
How Stochastic Geometry and Machine Learning Coexist in Wireless Networks: Collaboration or Competition?
Stochastic Geometry (SG) and Machine Learning (ML) are considered two highly effective
methods for designing and evaluating the performance of next-generation large-scale …
methods for designing and evaluating the performance of next-generation large-scale …