Sensorimotor foundations of speech perception in infancy

D Choi, HH Yeung, JF Werker - Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 2023 -
The perceptual system for speech is highly organized from early infancy. This organization
bootstraps young human learners' ability to acquire their native speech and language from …

How tone, intonation and emotion shape the development of infants' fundamental frequency perception

L Liu, A Götz, P Lorette, MD Tyler - Frontiers in psychology, 2022 -
Fundamental frequency (ƒ 0), perceived as pitch, is the first and arguably most salient
auditory component humans are exposed to since the beginning of life. It carries multiple …

Babbling development as seen in canonical babbling ratios: A naturalistic evaluation of all-day recordings

CC Lee, Y Jhang, G Relyea, L Chen… - Infant Behavior and …, 2018 - Elsevier
Canonical babbling (CB) is critical in forming foundations for speech. Research has shown
that the emergence of CB precedes first words, predicts language outcomes, and is delayed …

Vocal development in a large‐scale crosslinguistic corpus

M Cychosz, A Cristia, E Bergelson… - Developmental …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
This study evaluates whether early vocalizations develop in similar ways in children across
diverse cultural contexts. We analyze data from daylong audio recordings of 49 children (1 …

The developmental origins of phonological memory.

MM Vihman - Psychological review, 2022 -
Phonological memory, or the ability to remember a novel word string well enough to repeat
it, has long been characterized as a time-limited store. An alternative embodiment model …

[KNJIGA][B] Phonological templates in development

MM Vihman - 2019 -
This book explores the role of phonological templates in early language use from the
perspective of usage-based phonology and exemplar models and within the larger …

Sex differences in infant vocalization and the origin of language

DK Oller, J Gilkerson, JA Richards, S Hannon… - Iscience, 2023 -
Seeking to discern the earliest sex differences in language-related activities, our focus is
vocal activity in the first two years of life, following up on recent research that unexpectedly …

Functionally flexible signaling and the origin of language

DK Oller, U Griebel - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 -
At the earliest break of ancient hominins from their primate relatives in vocal communication,
we propose a selection pressure on vocal fitness signaling by hominin infants. Exploratory …

Newborns' cries are unique to individuals (but not to language environment)

GE Gustafson, SM Sanborn, HC Lin, JA Green - Infancy, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Human neonates exhibit individually distinctive patterns of variation—sometimes called cry
“signatures”—in the acoustics of their cries. For tests of group differences (eg, age, health …

Cross-linguistic comparison of utterance shapes in Korean-and English-learning children: An ambient language effect

S Ha, CJ Johnson, KD Oller, H Yoo - Infant Behavior and Development, 2021 - Elsevier
This study compared vocal development in Korean-and English-learning infants and
examined ambient-language effects focusing on predominant utterance shapes …