On the -decay of the accelerated proton and neutrino oscillations: a three-flavor description with CP violation
The (inverse) β β-decay of uniformly accelerated protons (p → n+ e^++ ν _e p→ n+ e++ ν e)
has been recently analyzed in the context of two-flavor neutrino mixing and oscillations. It …
has been recently analyzed in the context of two-flavor neutrino mixing and oscillations. It …
Flavor entanglement in neutrino oscillations in the wave packet description
The wave packet approach to neutrino oscillations provides an enlightening description of
quantum decoherence induced, during propagation, by localization effects. Within this …
quantum decoherence induced, during propagation, by localization effects. Within this …
[HTML][HTML] Cosmological comoving behavior of the configurational entropy
It has been shown that a functional dependence of the configurational entropy (CE) density
exhibits a cosmological comoving behavior related to the scale parameter, a, of the FRW flat …
exhibits a cosmological comoving behavior related to the scale parameter, a, of the FRW flat …
Quantum transitions and quantum entanglement from Dirac-like dynamics simulated by trapped ions
Quantum transition probabilities and quantum entanglement for two-qubit states of a four-
level trapped ion quantum system are computed for time-evolving ionic states driven by …
level trapped ion quantum system are computed for time-evolving ionic states driven by …
Maximal correlation between flavor entanglement and oscillation dam** due to localization effects
Localization effects and quantum decoherence driven by the mass-eigenstate wave packet
propagation are shown to support a statistical correlation between quantum entanglement …
propagation are shown to support a statistical correlation between quantum entanglement …
Ultra high energy neutrinos: absorption, thermal effects and signatures
We study absorption of ultra high energy neutrinos by the cosmic neutrino background, with
full inclusion of the effect of the thermal distribution of the background on the resonant …
full inclusion of the effect of the thermal distribution of the background on the resonant …
Cosmological neutrino entropy changes due to flavor statistical mixing
Entropy changes due to delocalization and decoherence effects should modify the
predictions for the cosmological neutrino background (CνB) temperature when one treats …
predictions for the cosmological neutrino background (CνB) temperature when one treats …
Quantum measurement schemes related to flavor-weighted energies
The framework of the generalized theory of quantum measurement provides some
theoretical tools for computing flavor associated energies correlated to the von-Neumann …
theoretical tools for computing flavor associated energies correlated to the von-Neumann …
[PDF][PDF] Research Article C] B Dam** of Primordial Gravitational Waves and the Fine-Tuning of the C𝛾B Temperature Anisotropy
AE Bernardini, JFG Santos - academia.edu
Dam** of primordial gravitational waves due to the anisotropic stress contribution owing to
the cosmological neutrino background (C] B) is investigated in the context of a radiation-to …
the cosmological neutrino background (C] B) is investigated in the context of a radiation-to …
[HTML][HTML] Nonexotic-exotic bipartite mode entanglements of an SU (3) baryon
ZT **a - Nuclear Physics A, 2019 - Elsevier
Much effort has been focused on the long-standing exotic puzzles of hadrons, but the
knowledge remains limited to date. It is enlightening to take into account the information …
knowledge remains limited to date. It is enlightening to take into account the information …