Leadership emergence: An integrative review.

KL Badura, BM Galvin, MY Lee - Journal of Applied Psychology, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Despite significant scholarly attention and practical importance regarding who emerges as
informal and formal leaders in organizations, an integrative framework of the leadership …

Is the desire for status a fundamental human motive? A review of the empirical literature.

C Anderson, JAD Hildreth, L Howland - Psychological bulletin, 2015 - psycnet.apa.org
The current review evaluates the status hypothesis, which states that that the desire for
status is a fundamental motive. Status is defined as the respect, admiration, and voluntary …

Effect size guidelines for individual differences researchers

GE Gignac, ET Szodorai - Personality and individual differences, 2016 - Elsevier
Individual differences researchers very commonly report Pearson correlations between their
variables of interest. Cohen (1988) provided guidelines for the purposes of interpreting the …

Gender and leadership emergence: A meta‐analysis and explanatory model

KL Badura, E Grijalva, DA Newman… - Personnel …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Research has shown that men tend to emerge as leaders more frequently than women.
However, societal role expectations for both women and leaders have changed in the …

Leader individual differences, situational parameters, and leadership outcomes: A comprehensive review and integration

SJ Zaccaro, JP Green, S Dubrow, MJ Kolze - The Leadership Quarterly, 2018 - Elsevier
In this article, we provide a wide-ranging review of recent research on leader individual
differences. The review focuses specifically on the explosion of such research in the last …

The nature of followership: Evolutionary analysis and review

N Bastardoz, M Van Vugt - The Leadership Quarterly, 2019 - Elsevier
From an evolutionary perspective, followership is puzzling because it is not clear why
individuals would relinquish their autonomy and set aside their personal goals to follow …

The social consequences of voice: An examination of voice type and gender on status and subsequent leader emergence

EJ McClean, SR Martin, KJ Emich… - … of Management Journal, 2018 - journals.aom.org
This paper explores the impact of two types of voice and gender on peer-rated social status
and subsequent leader emergence. Across two studies—a three-wave field study and an …

Narcissism and leadership: A meta‐analytic review of linear and nonlinear relationships

E Grijalva, PD Harms, DA Newman… - Personnel …, 2015 - Wiley Online Library
Past empirical studies relating narcissism to leadership have offered mixed results. This
study integrates prior research findings via meta‐analysis to make 4 contributions to theory …

Extraversion advantages at work: A quantitative review and synthesis of the meta-analytic evidence.

MP Wilmot, CR Wanberg… - Journal of applied …, 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
How and to what extent does extraversion relate to work relevant variables across the
lifespan? In the most extensive quantitative review to date, we summarize results from 97 …

Autocratic leaders and authoritarian followers revisited: A review and agenda for the future

PD Harms, D Wood, K Landay, PB Lester… - The Leadership …, 2018 - Elsevier
Despite a long history within the field of leadership, the subject of authoritarianism and how
it influences leadership and leadership processes has been neglected in recent decades …