Perusal of food allergens analysis by mass spectrometry-based proteomics
Food allergy is the disease where the immune system is elicited by antigens in food.
Although innocuous for immune-tolerant individuals, an ever-growing number of food …
Although innocuous for immune-tolerant individuals, an ever-growing number of food …
High-quality and robust protein quantification in large clinical/pharmaceutical cohorts with IonStar proteomics investigation
Robust, reliable quantification of large sample cohorts is often essential for meaningful
clinical or pharmaceutical proteomics investigations, but it is technically challenging. When …
clinical or pharmaceutical proteomics investigations, but it is technically challenging. When …
Combined proximity labeling and affinity purification− mass spectrometry workflow for map** and visualizing protein interaction networks
Affinity purification coupled with mass spectrometry (AP–MS) and proximity-dependent
biotinylation identification (BioID) methods have made substantial contributions to …
biotinylation identification (BioID) methods have made substantial contributions to …
Non-Thermal Processing Technologies for Allergen Control in Alternative Protein Sources for Food Industry Applications
Sustainable food practices within the food industry are pertinent to allow efficient food supply
while not negatively impacting the environment. Alternative proteins have gained the …
while not negatively impacting the environment. Alternative proteins have gained the …
mokapot: Fast and flexible semisupervised learning for peptide detection
Proteomics studies rely on the accurate assignment of peptides to the acquired tandem
mass spectra—a task where machine learning algorithms have proven invaluable. We …
mass spectra—a task where machine learning algorithms have proven invaluable. We …
[HTML][HTML] A systematic evaluation of yeast sample preparation protocols for spectral identifications, proteome coverage and post-isolation modifications
The importance of obtaining comprehensive and accurate information from cellular
proteomics experiments asks for a systematic investigation of sample preparation protocols …
proteomics experiments asks for a systematic investigation of sample preparation protocols …
Using the entrapment sequence method as a standard to evaluate key steps of proteomics data analysis process
Background The mass spectrometry based technical pipeline has provided a high-
throughput, high-sensitivity and high-resolution platform for post-genomic biology. Varied …
throughput, high-sensitivity and high-resolution platform for post-genomic biology. Varied …
Machine learning strategy that leverages large data sets to boost statistical power in small-scale experiments
Machine learning methods have proven invaluable for increasing the sensitivity of peptide
detection in proteomics experiments. Most modern tools, such as Percolator and …
detection in proteomics experiments. Most modern tools, such as Percolator and …
Performance investigation of proteomic identification by HCD/CID fragmentations in combination with high/low-resolution detectors on a tribrid, high-field orbitrap …
The recently-introduced Orbitrap Fusion mass spectrometry permits various types of MS2
acquisition methods. To date, these different MS2 strategies and the optimal data …
acquisition methods. To date, these different MS2 strategies and the optimal data …
AIomics: exploring more of the proteome using mass spectral libraries extended by artificial intelligence
The unbounded permutations of biological molecules, including proteins and their
constituent peptides, present a dilemma in identifying the components of complex …
constituent peptides, present a dilemma in identifying the components of complex …