Multi-physics coupling in thermoacoustic devices: A review
Latest developments in thermoacoustic devices have demonstrated comparable power
output and efficiency, but higher reliability and lower cost when compared to conventional …
output and efficiency, but higher reliability and lower cost when compared to conventional …
Generalized thermoacoustic heat engines with unconventional working substances: A review
J Huang, R Yang, Y Yang, Q Zhou, E Luo - Applied Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
Thermoacoustic heat engines can convert thermal energy into acoustic power or vice versa
with advantages of high reliability and low environmental impact. In conventional …
with advantages of high reliability and low environmental impact. In conventional …
Demonstration of high efficiency elastocaloric cooling with large ΔT using NiTi wires
Vapor compression (VC) is by far the most dominant technology for meeting all cooling and
refrigeration needs around the world. It is a mature technology with the efficiency of modern …
refrigeration needs around the world. It is a mature technology with the efficiency of modern …
Advances in the utilization and suppression of thermoacoustic effect: A review
J Wen, L Zhang, H Kang, S Liu, K Wang - International Journal of Heat and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The thermoacoustic effect is a complicated occurrence that involves the mutual conversion
of sound and thermal energy. Thermoacoustic heat engines built on this effect have …
of sound and thermal energy. Thermoacoustic heat engines built on this effect have …
[HTML][HTML] Harnessing sound waves for sustainable energy: advancements and challenges in thermoacoustic technology
In the face of urgent global environmental challenges, the pursuit of sustainable
technologies has become of utmost importance. Thermoacoustic technology has emerged …
technologies has become of utmost importance. Thermoacoustic technology has emerged …
Theoretical performance characteristics of a travelling-wave phase-change thermoacoustic heat pump
Thermoacoustic technology is a promising approach for environmentally-benign, low-cost
heat pum**. Herein, we present a theoretical investigation on phase-change …
heat pum**. Herein, we present a theoretical investigation on phase-change …
[HTML][HTML] Freeze desalination via thermoacoustic cooling: System analysis and cost overview
Clean, drinkable water is essential for human health and well-being. However, access to
clean water is becoming a global problem due to climate change and over exploitation of …
clean water is becoming a global problem due to climate change and over exploitation of …
High-fidelity numerical simulations of a standing-wave thermoacoustic engine
Thermoacoustic devices, in which heat fluxes and pressure waves are converted from one to
the other, are a promising class of energy conversion, particularly as heat-driven heat …
the other, are a promising class of energy conversion, particularly as heat-driven heat …
Theoretical performance characteristics of a travelling-wave phase-change thermoacoustic engine for low-grade heat recovery
There is a critical need for environmentally benign, cost-effective technologies to utilize the
vast amount of untapped low-grade heat sources. In this work, we report a novel travelling …
vast amount of untapped low-grade heat sources. In this work, we report a novel travelling …
Revisiting the evaporative Stirling engine: The mechanism and a case study via thermoacoustic theory
R Yang, J Wang, E Luo - Energy, 2023 - Elsevier
In this work, a new explanation on an old idea to enhance the Stirling engine, ie, the
evaporative (two-phase two-component) Stirling engine, has been provided through …
evaporative (two-phase two-component) Stirling engine, has been provided through …