Evolutionary biology of animal cognition

R Dukas - Annu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst., 2004 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract This review focuses on five key evolutionary issues pertaining to animal cognition,
defined as the neuronal processes concerned with the acquisition, retention, and use of …

[HTML][HTML] The marmoset monkey as a model for visual neuroscience

JF Mitchell, DA Leopold - Neuroscience research, 2015 - Elsevier
The common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) has been valuable as a primate model in
biomedical research. Interest in this species has grown recently, in part due to the successful …

[CARTE][B] Color appearance models

MD Fairchild - 2013 - books.google.com
The essential resource for readers needing to understand visual perception and for those
trying to produce, reproduce and measure color appearance in various applications such as …

Cone photoreceptor classification in the living human eye from photostimulation-induced phase dynamics

F Zhang, K Kurokawa, A Lassoued, JA Crowell… - Proceedings of the …, 2019 - pnas.org
Human color vision is achieved by mixing neural signals from cone photoreceptors sensitive
to different wavelengths of light. The spatial arrangement and proportion of these spectral …

Color realism and color science

A Byrne, DR Hilbert - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2003 - cambridge.org
The target article is an attempt to make some progress on the problem of color realism. Are
objects colored? And what is the nature of the color properties? We defend the view that …

Monochrome forests and colorful trees: The effect of black-and-white versus color imagery on construal level

H Lee, X Deng, HR Unnava… - Journal of Consumer …, 2014 - academic.oup.com
Marketing communications (eg, advertising, packaging) can be either colorful or black and
white. This research investigates how presence or absence of color affects consumer …

The contributions of color to recognition memory for natural scenes.

FA Wichmann, LT Sharpe… - Journal of Experimental …, 2002 - psycnet.apa.org
The authors used a recognition memory paradigm to assess the influence of color
information on visual memory for images of natural scenes. Subjects performed 5-10 …

Coordinating perceptually grounded categories through language: A case study for colour

L Steels, T Belpaeme - Behavioral and brain sciences, 2005 - cambridge.org
steels & belpaeme's (s&b's) simulations contain all the right components, but they are put
together wrongly. color categories are unrepresentative of categories in general and …

Parallel pathways for spectral coding in primate retina

DM Dacey - Annual review of neuroscience, 2000 - annualreviews.org
The primate retina is an exciting focus in neuroscience, where recent data from molecular
genetics, adaptive optics, anatomy, and physiology, together with measures of human visual …

Violet and blue light blocking intraocular lenses: photoprotection versus photoreception

MA Mainster - British journal of ophthalmology, 2006 - bjo.bmj.com
Aim: To analyse how intraocular lens (IOL) chromophores affect retinal photoprotection and
the sensitivity of scotopic vision, melanopsin photoreception, and melatonin suppression …