Высокопроизводительные вычислительные платформы: текущий статус и тенденции развития

АС Антонов, ИВ Афанасьев… - Вычислительные …, 2021 - num-meth.ru
Аннотация В данной статье представлен обзор современного состояния
суперкомпьютерной техники. Обзор сделан с разных точек зрения—начиная от …

ThunderX2 performance and energy-efficiency for HPC workloads

E Calore, A Gabbana, SF Schifano, R Tripiccione - Computation, 2020 - mdpi.com
In the last years, the energy efficiency of HPC systems is increasingly becoming of
paramount importance for environmental, technical, and economical reasons. Several …

Evaluating the performance of Kunpeng 920 processors on modern HPC applications

I Afanasyev, D Lichmanov - International Conference on Parallel …, 2021 - Springer
Nowadays, ARM processors are widely used in various HPC applications. With ARM
popularity rapidly increasing, there is still a significant lack of detailed performance …

NeoMPX: characterizing and improving estimation of multiplexing hardware counters for PAPI

YC Wang, J Wang, JK Chen, SC Zuo… - … on Cluster Computing …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Modern processors provide hundreds of low-level hardware events (such as cache miss
rate), but offer only a small number (usually 6–12) of hardware counters to collect these …

Coordinated process scheduling algorithms for coupled earth system models

X Wei, Z Xu, H Li, Z Ding - Concurrency and Computation …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
It is becoming increasingly significant for humans to predict and understand future climate
changes using coupled climate system models. Although the performance and scalability of …

BenchSubset: A framework for selecting benchmark subsets based on consensus clustering

H Zhan, W Lin, F Mao, M Xu, G Wu… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
The redundancy in the benchmark suite will increase the time for computer system
performance evaluation and simulation. The most typical method to solve this problem is to …

A Comparative Analysis of Kunpeng 920 on HPC Workloads

Y Guo, X Zhang - Proceedings of the 2024 8th International Conference …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
As ARM architecture gains traction in server usage, the Kunpeng 920 processor, developed
by HiSilicon specifically for cloud computing, has emerged as a notable contender. With its …

Simple adaptations to speed-up the Particle-In-Cell code Smilei on the ARM-based Fujitsu A64FX processor

M Lobet, F Massimo, A Beck, G Bouchard… - … Conference on High …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
We present in a simple and pedagogic way the preliminary code adaptation made in the
C++ parallel Particle-In-Cell code Smilei to speed-up vectorized algorithms for the Fujitsu …

CPSA: a coordinated process scheduling algorithm for coupled earth system model

H Li, Z Xu, F Tang, X Wei, Z Ding - 2020 29th International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Coupled climate system models are important tools for climatologists to predict and
understand future climate. These models are usually resource-consuming due to the large …

Methods and measurements for evaluating HPC systems

F Banchelli Gracia - 2020 - upcommons.upc.edu
In this thesis, I present a methodology to evaluate High-Performance Computing systems.
The method relies on measurements at three levels: architectural features through micro …