Высокопроизводительные вычислительные платформы: текущий статус и тенденции развития
АС Антонов, ИВ Афанасьев… - Вычислительные …, 2021 - num-meth.ru
Аннотация В данной статье представлен обзор современного состояния
суперкомпьютерной техники. Обзор сделан с разных точек зрения—начиная от …
суперкомпьютерной техники. Обзор сделан с разных точек зрения—начиная от …
ThunderX2 performance and energy-efficiency for HPC workloads
In the last years, the energy efficiency of HPC systems is increasingly becoming of
paramount importance for environmental, technical, and economical reasons. Several …
paramount importance for environmental, technical, and economical reasons. Several …
Evaluating the performance of Kunpeng 920 processors on modern HPC applications
I Afanasyev, D Lichmanov - International Conference on Parallel …, 2021 - Springer
Nowadays, ARM processors are widely used in various HPC applications. With ARM
popularity rapidly increasing, there is still a significant lack of detailed performance …
popularity rapidly increasing, there is still a significant lack of detailed performance …
NeoMPX: characterizing and improving estimation of multiplexing hardware counters for PAPI
YC Wang, J Wang, JK Chen, SC Zuo… - … on Cluster Computing …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Modern processors provide hundreds of low-level hardware events (such as cache miss
rate), but offer only a small number (usually 6–12) of hardware counters to collect these …
rate), but offer only a small number (usually 6–12) of hardware counters to collect these …
Coordinated process scheduling algorithms for coupled earth system models
X Wei, Z Xu, H Li, Z Ding - Concurrency and Computation …, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
It is becoming increasingly significant for humans to predict and understand future climate
changes using coupled climate system models. Although the performance and scalability of …
changes using coupled climate system models. Although the performance and scalability of …
BenchSubset: A framework for selecting benchmark subsets based on consensus clustering
The redundancy in the benchmark suite will increase the time for computer system
performance evaluation and simulation. The most typical method to solve this problem is to …
performance evaluation and simulation. The most typical method to solve this problem is to …
A Comparative Analysis of Kunpeng 920 on HPC Workloads
Y Guo, X Zhang - Proceedings of the 2024 8th International Conference …, 2024 - dl.acm.org
As ARM architecture gains traction in server usage, the Kunpeng 920 processor, developed
by HiSilicon specifically for cloud computing, has emerged as a notable contender. With its …
by HiSilicon specifically for cloud computing, has emerged as a notable contender. With its …
Simple adaptations to speed-up the Particle-In-Cell code Smilei on the ARM-based Fujitsu A64FX processor
We present in a simple and pedagogic way the preliminary code adaptation made in the
C++ parallel Particle-In-Cell code Smilei to speed-up vectorized algorithms for the Fujitsu …
C++ parallel Particle-In-Cell code Smilei to speed-up vectorized algorithms for the Fujitsu …
CPSA: a coordinated process scheduling algorithm for coupled earth system model
H Li, Z Xu, F Tang, X Wei, Z Ding - 2020 29th International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Coupled climate system models are important tools for climatologists to predict and
understand future climate. These models are usually resource-consuming due to the large …
understand future climate. These models are usually resource-consuming due to the large …
Methods and measurements for evaluating HPC systems
F Banchelli Gracia - 2020 - upcommons.upc.edu
In this thesis, I present a methodology to evaluate High-Performance Computing systems.
The method relies on measurements at three levels: architectural features through micro …
The method relies on measurements at three levels: architectural features through micro …