A new genus of Anostomidae (Ostariophysi: Characiformes): diversity, phylogeny and biogeography based on cytogenetic, molecular and morphological data
A new genus of Anostomidae (Characiformes) is described to include ten valid extant
species previously classified in Leporinus or Hypomasticus and distributed throughout most …
species previously classified in Leporinus or Hypomasticus and distributed throughout most …
Skeletal anatomy of the shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrum Lesueur, 1818, and the systematics of sturgeons (Acipenseriformes, Acipenseridae)
Sturgeons of the family Acipenseridae comprise 25 extant species, making it the most
species-rich extant family of basal (ie, nonteleostean) actinopterygians. Because of their …
species-rich extant family of basal (ie, nonteleostean) actinopterygians. Because of their …
[HTML][HTML] A revision of the cis-andean species of the genus Brycon Müller & Troschel (Characiformes: Characidae)
A revision of the cis-andean species of Brycon, with the exception of the Brycon pesu
species-complex, is presented. Twenty-one Brycon species (including B. pesu) are …
species-complex, is presented. Twenty-one Brycon species (including B. pesu) are …
Phylogenetic relationships of the South American Doradoidea (Ostariophysi: Siluriformes)
A phylogenetic analysis based on 311 morphological characters is presented for most
species of the Doradidae, all genera of the Auchenipteridae, and representatives of 16 other …
species of the Doradidae, all genera of the Auchenipteridae, and representatives of 16 other …
[HTML][HTML] Revision of the smaller-sized dorados (Salminus), with comments on the monophyly of the genus and its biogeography (Characiformes: Bryconidae)
A revision of the genus Salminus, excluding the large-sized species S. brasiliensis and S.
franciscanus, is presented. In addition to the two large-sized species, four additional …
franciscanus, is presented. In addition to the two large-sized species, four additional …
A fast preparation of skeletal materials using enzyme maceration
The current study investigates the removal of soft tissues from mice and rats by the use of
three different proteases and one lipase from Novozymes A/S. The results demonstrate the …
three different proteases and one lipase from Novozymes A/S. The results demonstrate the …
Tooth development and replacement in the Atlantic Cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, with comparisons to other Scombroidei
Abstract Atlantic Cutlassfish, Trichiurus lepturus, have large, barbed, premaxillary and
dentary fangs, and sharp dagger‐shaped teeth in their oral jaws. Functional teeth firmly …
dentary fangs, and sharp dagger‐shaped teeth in their oral jaws. Functional teeth firmly …
Structure, attachment, replacement and growth of teeth in bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (), a teleost with deeply socketed teeth
Tooth replacement poses many questions about development, pattern formation, tooth
attachment mechanisms, functional morphology and the evolution of vertebrate dentitions …
attachment mechanisms, functional morphology and the evolution of vertebrate dentitions …
Functional and Developmental Morphology of Tooth Replacement in the Atlantic Wolffish, Anarhichas lupus (Teleostei: Zoarcoidei: Anarhichadidae)
Adult Atlantic Wolffish, Anarhichas lupus, have a heterodont oral dentition consisting of long
caniniform teeth in the symphysial regions of the dentaries and premaxillae and large …
caniniform teeth in the symphysial regions of the dentaries and premaxillae and large …
Species authentication of Tor spp.(family Cyprinidae) in Indonesia based on osteocranium structure and biometric data
Currently, the existence of Tor species is threatened with extinction and is listed on the IUCN
red list due to overfishing, forest destruction, water pollution, fluctuations in water volume …
red list due to overfishing, forest destruction, water pollution, fluctuations in water volume …