Mediterranean-climate streams and rivers: geographically separated but ecologically comparable freshwater systems
N Bonada, VH Resh - Hydrobiologia, 2013 - Springer
Streams and rivers in mediterranean-climate regions (med-rivers in med-regions) are
ecologically unique, with flow regimes reflecting precipitation patterns. Although timing of …
ecologically unique, with flow regimes reflecting precipitation patterns. Although timing of …
The effects of land use changes on streams and rivers in mediterranean climates
We reviewed the literature on the effects of land use changes on mediterranean river
ecosystems (med-rivers) to provide a foundation and directions for future research on …
ecosystems (med-rivers) to provide a foundation and directions for future research on …
Nitrogen critical loads and management alternatives for N-impacted ecosystems in California
Empirical critical loads for N deposition effects and maps showing areas projected to be in
exceedance of the critical load (CL) are given for seven major vegetation types in California …
exceedance of the critical load (CL) are given for seven major vegetation types in California …
What drives the future supply of regulating ecosystem services in a mountain forest landscape?
Forest ecosystems provide a wide variety of ecosystem services to society. In harsh
mountain environments, the regulating services of forests are of particular importance …
mountain environments, the regulating services of forests are of particular importance …
Vulnerability of stream biota to climate change in mediterranean climate regions: a synthesis of ecological responses and conservation challenges
Freshwater species worldwide are experiencing dramatic declines partly attributable to
ongoing climate change. It is expected that the future effects of climate change could be …
ongoing climate change. It is expected that the future effects of climate change could be …
Landscape changes and their hydrologic effects: Interactions and feedbacks across scales
Human activities have extensively altered landscapes throughout the world and further
changes are expected in the future. Anthropogenic impacts such as land use change …
changes are expected in the future. Anthropogenic impacts such as land use change …
Fire as a disturbance in Mediterranean climate streams
Mediterranean climate ecosystems are among the most fire-prone in the world; however,
little is known about the effects of fire on mediterranean streams (med-streams). Fire impacts …
little is known about the effects of fire on mediterranean streams (med-streams). Fire impacts …
[HTML][HTML] Woody plant encroachment impacts on groundwater recharge: A review
Woody plant encroachment has profound impacts on the sustainable management of water
resources in water-limited ecosystems. However, our understanding of the effects of this …
resources in water-limited ecosystems. However, our understanding of the effects of this …
Stand density effects on carbon and water fluxes in a semi-arid forest, from leaf to stand-scale
Drought-induced productivity reductions and tree mortality have been increasing in recent
decades in forests around the globe. Prescribed reduction in stand density, ie thinning, has …
decades in forests around the globe. Prescribed reduction in stand density, ie thinning, has …
Changes in blue/green water partitioning under severe drought
Much attention has been given to the disproportionate streamflow deficits (relative to rainfall
deficits) experienced by many catchments during the Millennium Drought (1998–2009) in …
deficits) experienced by many catchments during the Millennium Drought (1998–2009) in …