Non-Abelian Floquet spin liquids in a digital Rydberg simulator

M Kalinowski, N Maskara, MD Lukin - Physical Review X, 2023‏ - APS
Understanding topological matter is an outstanding challenge across several disciplines of
physical science. Programmable quantum simulators have emerged as a powerful approach …

Magnetic anisotropy reversal driven by structural symmetry-breaking in monolayer α-RuCl3

B Yang, YM Goh, SH Sung, G Ye, S Biswas… - Nature Materials, 2023‏ -
Layered α-RuCl3 is a promising material to potentially realize the long-sought Kitaev
quantum spin liquid with fractionalized excitations. While evidence of this state has been …

Significant thermal Hall effect in the cobalt Kitaev system

H Yang, C Kim, Y Choi, JH Lee, G Lin, J Ma… - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
Kitaev physics has recently attracted attention in condensed matter for its anticipated
quantum spin liquid (QSL) state. The thermal transport measurement is crucial for probing …

Multinode quantum spin liquids in extended Kitaev honeycomb models

J Wang, B Normand, ZX Liu - npj Quantum Materials, 2024‏ -
Abstract Variational Monte Carlo (VMC) studies of extended Kitaev honeycomb models
reveal a series of multinode quantum spin liquids (QSLs). They have an emergent Z2 gauge …

Interplay of Kitaev Interaction and Off-diagonal Exchanges: Exotic Phases and Quantum Phase Diagrams

Q Luo, J Zhao, X Wang - Chinese Physics Letters, 2024‏ -
Aligning with the everlasting search for quantum spin liquids (QSLs), identifying the QSL in
Kitaev magnets has garnered great research interest during the past decade and remains …

Dynamics of visons and thermal Hall effect in perturbed Kitaev models

AP Joy, A Rosch - Physical Review X, 2022‏ - APS
A vison is an excitation of the Kitaev spin liquid which carries a Z 2 gauge flux. While
immobile in the pure Kitaev model, it becomes a dynamical degree of freedom in the …

Disorder, low-energy excitations, and topology in the Kitaev spin liquid

V Dantas, EC Andrade - Physical Review Letters, 2022‏ - APS
The Kitaev model is a fascinating example of an exactly solvable model displaying a spin-
liquid ground state in two dimensions. However, deviations from the original Kitaev model …

Highly anisotropic optical, electronic and magnetic properties of the Kitaev spin liquid candidate α-RuCl3

A Bouhmouche, A Jabar, EK Hlil, R Moubah - Applied Materials Today, 2024‏ - Elsevier
Abstract α-RuCl 3 constitutes a fascinating system that exhibits intriguing Kitaev physics. In
this study, we investigate the electronic, optical, and magnetic properties of the Kitaev spin …

Magnetocaloric effect of topological excitations in Kitaev magnets

H Li, E Lv, N **, Y Gao, Y Qi, W Li, G Su - Nature Communications, 2024‏ -
Traditional magnetic sub-Kelvin cooling relies on the nearly free local moments in hydrate
paramagnetic salts, whose utility is hampered by the dilute magnetic ions and low thermal …

Quantum phase transition between spin liquid and spin nematics in spin-1 Kitaev honeycomb model

T Mashiko, T Okubo - Physical Review Research, 2024‏ - APS
Besides the exactly solvable spin-1/2 Kitaev model, higher spin-S ones, not exactly solvable,
are promising playgrounds for researches on the quantum spin liquid as well. One of the …