[HTML][HTML] Ethnodermatological use of medicinal plants in India: From ayurvedic formulations to clinical perspectives–A review
Ethnopharmacological relevance Traditional knowledge is a particular form of practice or
skill set that was developed in ancient times and was sustained through generations via the …
skill set that was developed in ancient times and was sustained through generations via the …
Ageratum conyzoides L.: A review on its phytochemical and pharmacological profile
Ageratum conyzoides L.(AC) is an annual herbaceous plant with a long history of traditional
medicinal uses in many countries in the world, especially in the tropical and subtropical …
medicinal uses in many countries in the world, especially in the tropical and subtropical …
[HTML][HTML] Screening and antibacterial efficacy of selected Indian medicinal plants
Objective To evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of five Indian medicinal plants such as
Acalypha indica L.(A. indica), Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult.(A. lanata), Clerodendrum …
Acalypha indica L.(A. indica), Aerva lanata (L.) Juss. ex Schult.(A. lanata), Clerodendrum …
[PDF][PDF] Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of Ageratum conyzoides Linn (Asteraceae)
In the present review, an attempt has been made to congregate the traditional,
phytochemical and pharmacological studies done on an important medicinal plant …
phytochemical and pharmacological studies done on an important medicinal plant …
Natural remedies used by Bunong people in Mondulkiri province (Northeast Cambodia) with special reference to the treatment of 11 most common ailments
Ethnopharmacological relevance In this paper we present a comprehensive ethnomedicinal
study conducted in Mondulkiri province. Traditional knowledge about natural medicine …
study conducted in Mondulkiri province. Traditional knowledge about natural medicine …
Indigenous knowledge of using medicinal plants in treating skin diseases in Kanyakumari district, Southern India
Plant species used in the treatment of skin diseases among the indigenous communities of
Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu was conducted between 2003-2004. Thirty plant species …
Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu was conducted between 2003-2004. Thirty plant species …
Genus Barleria L. (Acanthaceae): a review of its taxonomy, cytogenetics, phytochemistry and pharmacological potential
Objectives Barleria, a large genus of the Acanthaceae family, comprises more than 300
species with diverse taxonomy, cytogenetics, phytochemistry and pharmacological potential …
species with diverse taxonomy, cytogenetics, phytochemistry and pharmacological potential …
Evaluation of the wound healing activity of Shorea robusta, an Indian ethnomedicine, and its isolated constituent (s) in topical formulation
Ethnopharmacological relevance Different parts of Indian ethnomedicinal plant Shorea
robusta is traditionally used for several ailments including wounds and burn by different …
robusta is traditionally used for several ailments including wounds and burn by different …
Medicinal plants from the Himalayan region for potential novel antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory skin treatments
Abstract Background and Objectives Adequate treatment of wounds remains one of the
major medical needs globally, most notably in the regions with poor or limited access to …
major medical needs globally, most notably in the regions with poor or limited access to …
[PDF][PDF] Ethno medicinal studies of common plants of Assam and Manipur
Traditional medicine has always played a key role in the health systems of different ethnic
groups living in remote areas of North-East India. Ethnomedicinal study of medicinal plants …
groups living in remote areas of North-East India. Ethnomedicinal study of medicinal plants …