[HTML][HTML] Global diagnosis of nitrate pollution in groundwater and review of removal technologies
Clean water and sanitation for the world population is one of the most important challenges
established by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations since worldwide …
established by the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations since worldwide …
Global investigations of seawater intrusion (SWI) in coastal groundwaters in the last two decades (2000–2020): a bibliometric analysis
Seawater intrusion represents the flow of seawater through coastal aquifers, but it also
affects surface water bodies such as channels, canals, and wetlands. Transitional water …
affects surface water bodies such as channels, canals, and wetlands. Transitional water …
Spatiotemporal distribution of fluoride in drinking water and associated probabilistic human health risk appraisal in the coastal region, Bangladesh
Spatiotemporal distribution of fluoride in drinking water has been posing serious health
concerns worldwide. However, in Bangladesh, to date, there is a very limited study reported …
concerns worldwide. However, in Bangladesh, to date, there is a very limited study reported …
Perception of coastal citizens on the prospect of community-based rainwater harvesting system for sustainable water resource management
Predominant water scarcity and environmental degradation in Bangladesh's coastal
communities arise due to extreme meteorological conditions, unrestrained water usage, and …
communities arise due to extreme meteorological conditions, unrestrained water usage, and …
Simultaneous comparison of modified-integrated water quality and entropy weighted indices: implication for safe drinking water in the coastal region of Bangladesh
Drinking-water sources are subjected to vulnerability due to chemical contamination and
health risk in the southern coastal region of Bangladesh. Different types of water quality …
health risk in the southern coastal region of Bangladesh. Different types of water quality …
Drinking appraisal of coastal groundwater in Bangladesh: an approach of multi-hazards towards water security and health safety
In Bangladesh, groundwater serves as the sole major potable water source. Salinization
along with the elevated presence of metals become the major threat for this resource in …
along with the elevated presence of metals become the major threat for this resource in …
Groundwater salinization and freshening processes in coastal aquifers from southwest Bangladesh
The hydrogeochemical processes in the multilayer aquifers of southwest (SW) coastal area
of Bangladesh provide important information for quantifying hydrochemical differences …
of Bangladesh provide important information for quantifying hydrochemical differences …
Salinity-induced fluorescent dissolved organic matter influence co-contamination, quality and risk to human health of tube well water, southeast coastal Bangladesh
Salinity in the drinking water of coastal Bangladesh results from a severe socio-economic,
environmental and human health safety crisis. In this paper, we analyzed 120 tube well …
environmental and human health safety crisis. In this paper, we analyzed 120 tube well …
Application of novel framework approach for prediction of nitrate concentration susceptibility in coastal multi-aquifers, Bangladesh
This study aims to construct a novel framework approach for predicting and map** nitrate
concentration susceptibility in the coastal multi-aquifers of Bangladesh by coupling the K …
concentration susceptibility in the coastal multi-aquifers of Bangladesh by coupling the K …
[HTML][HTML] A social-ecological analysis of drinking water risks in coastal Bangladesh
Groundwater resources in deltaic regions are vulnerable to contamination by saline
seawater, posing significant crisis for drinking water. Current policy and practice of building …
seawater, posing significant crisis for drinking water. Current policy and practice of building …