Killing the cat? A review of curiosity at work
This paper focuses on the emergent importance of curiosity at work for individuals and
organizations by reviewing management research on curiosity at work. We start by …
organizations by reviewing management research on curiosity at work. We start by …
A shared novelty-seeking basis for creativity and curiosity
Curiosity and creativity are central pillars of human growth and invention. Although they
have been studied extensively in isolation, the relationship between them has not yet been …
have been studied extensively in isolation, the relationship between them has not yet been …
Hunters, busybodies and the knowledge network building associated with deprivation curiosity
The open-ended and internally driven nature of curiosity makes characterizing the
information seeking that accompanies it a daunting endeavour. We use a historico …
information seeking that accompanies it a daunting endeavour. We use a historico …
The antecedents of boredom in L2 classroom learning
This classroom-based study investigated the antecedents of boredom among Thai university
students enrolled in an English oral communication course. The primary data collection tool …
students enrolled in an English oral communication course. The primary data collection tool …
Exploring the antecedents and consequences of epistemic emotions
Across two studies, we evaluated a model that proposed relations between epistemic
cognition, epistemic emotions, self-regulatory strategies, and learning of complex …
cognition, epistemic emotions, self-regulatory strategies, and learning of complex …
The nexus between epistemic curiosity and innovative work behavior: role of leader-member exchange and work engagement
Purpose Drawing upon curiosity drive theory, we examine the effects of epistemic curiosity
(EC) on employees' innovative work behavior. Additionally, we explore the potential …
(EC) on employees' innovative work behavior. Additionally, we explore the potential …
An epistemic curiosity-evoking model for immersive virtual reality narrative reading: User experience and the interaction among epistemic curiosity, transportation, and …
KH Cheng - Computers & Education, 2023 - Elsevier
What situational contexts constructed by learning content or environments may facilitate
learners' epistemic curiosity is a noteworthy issue for contemporary education. Besides, the …
learners' epistemic curiosity is a noteworthy issue for contemporary education. Besides, the …
Epistemic curiosity and situational interest: Distant cousins or identical twins?
To what extent are epistemic curiosity and situational interest different indicators for the
same underlying psychological mechanism? To answer this question, we conducted two …
same underlying psychological mechanism? To answer this question, we conducted two …
Curiosity tempts indulgence
Given curiosity's characterization as a motivational drive for knowledge, prior research has
primarily focused on curiosity's positive effects on knowledge exploration, information …
primarily focused on curiosity's positive effects on knowledge exploration, information …
Academic achievement and satisfaction among university students with specific learning disabilities: The roles of soft skills and study-related factors
Understanding the individual qualities sustaining students with and without specific learning
disabilities (SLDs) is key to supporting their academic achievement and well-being. In this …
disabilities (SLDs) is key to supporting their academic achievement and well-being. In this …