Towards playing full moba games with deep reinforcement learning
MOBA games, eg, Honor of Kings, League of Legends, and Dota 2, pose grand challenges
to AI systems such as multi-agent, enormous state-action space, complex action control, etc …
to AI systems such as multi-agent, enormous state-action space, complex action control, etc …
Sampling and noise filtering methods for recommender systems: A literature review
In the era of online business, many e-commerce sites have evolved which recommend items
according to one's needs and interests. Plenty of data is available to be processed to make …
according to one's needs and interests. Plenty of data is available to be processed to make …
Moving consumers from free to fee in platform-based markets: an empirical study of multiplayer online battle arena games
Companies in platform-based business markets have widely embraced freemium business
models where profit primarily depends on a minority of paying customers. However, the key …
models where profit primarily depends on a minority of paying customers. However, the key …
Sports recommender systems: overview and research directions
Sports recommender systems receive an increasing attention due to their potential of
fostering healthy living, improving personal well-being, and increasing performances in …
fostering healthy living, improving personal well-being, and increasing performances in …
From freemium to premium: the roles of consumption values and game affordance
L Wang, Y Gao, J Yan, J Qin - Information Technology & People, 2021 - emerald.com
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to facilitate understanding of how to convert free
players to paid consumers in free-to-play games. Design/methodology/approach Drawing …
players to paid consumers in free-to-play games. Design/methodology/approach Drawing …
Deep neural networks for optimal team composition
Cooperation is a fundamental social mechanism, whose effects on human performance
have been investigated in several environments. Online games are modern-days natural …
have been investigated in several environments. Online games are modern-days natural …
What makes an ideal team? Analysis of popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games
A good solo player is not necessarily a good team player. Team games add an extra aspect
to games: teamwork, which may increase the skill ceiling to master the game. The …
to games: teamwork, which may increase the skill ceiling to master the game. The …
Which heroes to pick? learning to draft in moba games with neural networks and tree search
Hero drafting is essential in multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game playing as it builds
the team of each side and directly affects the match outcome. State-of-the-art drafting …
the team of each side and directly affects the match outcome. State-of-the-art drafting …
“Because I'm Bad at the Game!” A Microanalytic Study of Self Regulated Learning in League of Legends
E Kleinman, C Gayle, M Seif El-Nasr - Frontiers in psychology, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a form of learning guided by the student's own meta-
cognition, motivation, and strategic action, often in the absence of an educator. The use of …
cognition, motivation, and strategic action, often in the absence of an educator. The use of …
Kills, deaths, and (computational) assists: Identifying opportunities for computational support in esport learning
E Kleinman, MN Shergadwala… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
Esports play can cultivate real world skills. However, the path to mastery is not easy, and
difficulty progressing can result in discontinuation. In the absence of a human coach …
difficulty progressing can result in discontinuation. In the absence of a human coach …