Simulating chemistry on bosonic quantum devices
Bosonic quantum devices offer a novel approach to realize quantum computations, where
the quantum two-level system (qubit) is replaced with the quantum (an) harmonic oscillator …
the quantum two-level system (qubit) is replaced with the quantum (an) harmonic oscillator …
Direct observation of geometric-phase interference in dynamics around a conical intersection
Conical intersections are ubiquitous in chemistry and physics, often governing processes
such as light harvesting, vision, photocatalysis and chemical reactivity. They act as funnels …
such as light harvesting, vision, photocatalysis and chemical reactivity. They act as funnels …
Trapped-ion quantum simulation of electron transfer models with tunable dissipation
Electron transfer is at the heart of many fundamental physical, chemical, and biochemical
processes essential for life. The exact simulation of these reactions is often hindered by the …
processes essential for life. The exact simulation of these reactions is often hindered by the …
Seeking a quantum advantage with trapped-ion quantum simulations of condensed-phase chemical dynamics
Simulating the quantum dynamics of molecules in the condensed phase represents a
longstanding challenge in chemistry. Trapped-ion quantum systems may serve as a platform …
longstanding challenge in chemistry. Trapped-ion quantum systems may serve as a platform …
Simulating open quantum system dynamics on NISQ computers with generalized quantum master equations
We present a quantum algorithm based on the generalized quantum master equation
(GQME) approach to simulate open quantum system dynamics on noisy intermediate-scale …
(GQME) approach to simulate open quantum system dynamics on noisy intermediate-scale …
Quantum simulation of conical intersections using trapped ions
Conical intersections often control the reaction products of photochemical processes and
occur when two electronic potential energy surfaces intersect. Theory predicts that the …
occur when two electronic potential energy surfaces intersect. Theory predicts that the …
Quantum computation of conical intersections on a programmable superconducting quantum processor
S Zhao, D Tang, X ** photons: Quantum information processing with bosonic cQED
With its rich dynamics, the quantum harmonic oscillator is an innate platform for
understanding real-world quantum systems and could even excel as the heart of a quantum …
understanding real-world quantum systems and could even excel as the heart of a quantum …
A mid-circuit erasure check on a dual-rail cavity qubit using the joint-photon number-splitting regime of circuit QED
Quantum control of a linear oscillator using a static dispersive coupling to a nonlinear ancilla
underpins a wide variety of experiments in circuit QED. Extending this control to more than …
underpins a wide variety of experiments in circuit QED. Extending this control to more than …
Quantum simulation of polarized light-induced electron transfer with a trapped-ion qutrit system
Electron transfer within and between molecules is crucial in chemistry, biochemistry, and
energy science. This study describes a quantum simulation method that explores the …
energy science. This study describes a quantum simulation method that explores the …