Characterization of centers by its complex separatrices

IA García, J Giné - arxiv preprint arxiv:2412.09197, 2024 -
In this work we deal with analytic families of real planar vector fields $\mathcal {X} _\lambda
$ having a monodromic singularity at the origin for any $\lambda\in\Lambda\subset\mathbb …

[HTML][HTML] Bi-center problem and bifurcation of limit cycles from nilpotent singular points in Z2-equivariant cubic vector fields

F Li, Y Liu, Y Liu, P Yu - Journal of Differential Equations, 2018 - Elsevier
In this paper, bi-center problem and bifurcation of limit cycles from nilpotent singular points
in Z 2-equivariant cubic vector fields are studied. First, the system is simplified by using …

Principal Bautin ideal of monodromic singularities with inverse integrating factors

IA García, J Giné - arxiv preprint arxiv:2412.09205, 2024 -
We analyze the structure of the Poincar\'e map $\Pi $ associated to a monodromic singularity
of an analytic family of planar vector fields. We work under two assumptions. The first one is …

[HTML][HTML] The linear term of the Poincaré map at singularities of planar vector fields

IA García, J Giné - Journal of Differential Equations, 2024 - Elsevier
The aim of this work is to give conditions on the parameters of a family of analytic planar
vector fields with a fixed Newton diagram and a monodromic singularity in order to …

A survey on the inverse integrating factor

IA García, M Grau - Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems, 2010 - Springer
The relation between limit cycles of planar differential systems and the inverse integrating
factor was first shown in an article of Giacomini, Llibre and Viano appeared in 1996. From …

[HTML][HTML] Hamiltonian nilpotent centers of linear plus cubic homogeneous polynomial vector fields

IE Colak, J Llibre, C Valls - Advances in Mathematics, 2014 - Elsevier
Hamiltonian nilpotent centers of linear plus cubic homogeneous polynomial vector fields -
ScienceDirect Skip to main contentSkip to article Elsevier logo Journals & Books Search …

[HTML][HTML] Analytic nilpotent centers as limits of nondegenerate centers revisited

IA García, H Giacomini, J Giné, J Llibre - Journal of Mathematical Analysis …, 2016 - Elsevier
We prove that all the nilpotent centers of planar analytic differential systems are limit of
centers with purely imaginary eigenvalues, and consequently the Poincaré–Liapunov …

The Poincaré map of degenerate monodromic singularities with Puiseux inverse integrating factor

IA García, J Giné - Advances in Nonlinear Analysis, 2023 -
We consider analytic families of planar vector fields depending analytically on the
parameters in Λ that guarantee the existence of a (may be degenerate and with …

Centers of quasi-homogeneous polynomial planar systems

A Algaba, N Fuentes, C García - Nonlinear Analysis: Real World …, 2012 - Elsevier
In this paper we determine the centers of quasi-homogeneous polynomial planar vector
fields of degree 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4. In addition, in every case we make a study of the reversibility …

Center condition and bifurcation of limit cycles for quadratic switching systems with a nilpotent equilibrium point

T Chen, L Huang, P Yu - Journal of Differential Equations, 2021 - Elsevier
In this work, a new perturbation approach is developed based on Bogdanov-Takens
bifurcation theory, which enables the Poincaré-Lyapunov method for switching systems with …