A review on natural and human-induced geohazards and impacts in karst

F Gutiérrez, M Parise, J De Waele, H Jourde - Earth-Science Reviews, 2014 - Elsevier
Karst environments are characterized by distinctive landforms related to dissolution and a
dominant subsurface drainage. The direct connection between the surface and the …

Incidence and mortality due to snakebite in the Americas

JP Chippaux - PLoS neglected tropical diseases, 2017 - journals.plos.org
Background Better knowledge of the epidemiological characteristics of snakebites could
help to take measures to improve their management. The incidence and mortality of …

Biodiversity of the hypersaline Urmia Lake national park (NW Iran)

A Asem, A Eimanifar, M Djamali, P De los Rios, M Wink - Diversity, 2014 - mdpi.com
Urmia Lake, with a surface area between 4000 to 6000 km2, is a hypersaline lake located in
northwest Iran. It is the saltiest large lake in the world that supports life. Urmia Lake National …

A multi-geophysical approach to assess potential sinkholes in an urban area

R Liu, H Sun, J Qin, Z Zheng - Engineering Geology, 2023 - Elsevier
Sinkholes caused by natural or anthropogenic factors pose as potential safety hazards in
urban areas. From April to May 2019, six consecutive ground collapses occurred in Beihuan …

Detection of sinkhole activity in West-Central Florida using InSAR time series observations

OC Talib, W Shimon, K Sarah, R Tonian - Remote Sensing of Environment, 2022 - Elsevier
Sinkhole activity in Florida is a major hazard for people and property. Its increasing
frequency is often related to an accelerated use of ground-water and land resources in the …

Sinkhole hazards

F Gutiérrez - Oxford research encyclopedia of natural hazard …, 2016 - oxfordre.com
Sinkholes or dolines are closed depressions characteristic of terrains underlain by soluble
rocks (carbonates and/or evaporites). They may be related to the differential dissolutional …

An application on sinkhole susceptibility map** by integrating remote sensing and geographic information systems

O Orhan, M Yakar, S Ekercin - Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2020 - Springer
Karapınar, located in the middle of Konya Closed Basin in Turkey, is a district that is
agriculturally and economically significant. The natural life and agricultural future of the …

Identification and quantitative analysis of sinkhole contributing factors in Florida's Karst

BH Nam, YJ Kim, H Youn - Engineering Geology, 2020 - Elsevier
Sinkholes are one of the major geohazards in karst areas, causing loss of life and significant
economic loss as well. Sinkhole forming mechanism varies depending on the geological …

Sinkholes, subsidence and subrosion on the eastern shore of the Dead Sea as revealed by a close-range photogrammetric survey

D Al-Halbouni, EP Holohan, L Saberi, H Alrshdan… - Geomorphology, 2017 - Elsevier
Ground subsidence and sinkhole collapse are phenomena affecting regions of karst
geology worldwide. The rapid development of such phenomena around the Dead Sea in the …

Evaluation of trenching, ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) for sinkhole characterization

D Carbonel, V Rodríguez, F Gutiérrez… - Earth Surface …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This paper explores the suitability and advantages of combining the trenching technique
with geophysical surveys [ground penetrating radar (GPR) and electrical resistivity …