Utilization of waste materials in the stabilization of expansive pavement subgrade: An extensive review
Expansive soils, also known as swell-shrink soils, are one of the most problematic soils in
highway construction and exhibit significant volume changes by swelling and shrinking …
highway construction and exhibit significant volume changes by swelling and shrinking …
[HTML][HTML] Strength improvement of expansive soil by utilizing waste glass powder
Expansive soils expand and lose their strength when wetted and shrink when dried, and this
makes a considerable volume change. Construction on expansive soils has made problems …
makes a considerable volume change. Construction on expansive soils has made problems …
Strength, durability, and microstructure of geopolymers based on recycled-glass powder waste and dolomitic lime for soil stabilization
Glass waste in soil stabilization is a promising use as a precursor of forming geopolymers
and avoid its discard in landfills as well as decreasing the consumption of traditional binders …
and avoid its discard in landfills as well as decreasing the consumption of traditional binders …
[HTML][HTML] Effect of crushed glass on the mechanical and microstructural behavior of highly expansive clay subgrade
Expansive soils swell when they absorb water and shrink by losing water. This process
causes significant volume changes in highly expansive clay soils. Clay soil foundations …
causes significant volume changes in highly expansive clay soils. Clay soil foundations …
[HTML][HTML] Sustainable re-use of waste glass, cement and lime treated dredged material as pavement material
G Bilgen, OF Altuntas - Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
The amount of waste materials such as dredged materials (DM) and waste glass (WG) have
been growing exponentially since the middle of the 20th century. The most important …
been growing exponentially since the middle of the 20th century. The most important …
Mechanical and physical properties and cyclic swell-shrink behaviour of expansive clay improved by recycled glass
The stabilisation of expansive clay subgrades using recycled glass (RG) was proposed, as a
sustainable ground improvement technique. Previous studies mainly focused on using RG …
sustainable ground improvement technique. Previous studies mainly focused on using RG …
Effects of representative elementary volume size on three-dimensional pore characteristics for modified granite residual soil
The determination of the Representative Elementary Volume (REV) is vital for
comprehending the behavior of soil structural characteristics within the micro-to-macro …
comprehending the behavior of soil structural characteristics within the micro-to-macro …
Improvement of low plasticity clay with crushed glass: A mechanical and microstructural study
Low plasticity clays are found in abundance worldwide, exerting undue stresses on civil
structures, road pavements and railway infrastructure, owing to the periodic settlement …
structures, road pavements and railway infrastructure, owing to the periodic settlement …
Sustainable improvement in engineering behavior of Siwalik Clay using industrial waste glass powder as additive
The focus of the present study is to improve the engineering behavior of Clays belonging to
Upper Siwalik Formation and located in the sub-tropical zone with average annual rainfall of …
Upper Siwalik Formation and located in the sub-tropical zone with average annual rainfall of …
Predictive modelling of compression strength of waste GP/FA blended expansive soils using multi-expression programming
Expansive soils (ES) are unsuitable for construction because of their low shear strength,
bearing capacity, unconfined compression strength (UCS), and high shrink-swell potential …
bearing capacity, unconfined compression strength (UCS), and high shrink-swell potential …