Antarctic futures: an assessment of climate-driven changes in ecosystem structure, function, and service provisioning in the Southern Ocean
In this article, we analyze the impacts of climate change on Antarctic marine ecosystems.
Observations demonstrate large-scale changes in the physical variables and circulation of …
Observations demonstrate large-scale changes in the physical variables and circulation of …
A surplus no more? Variation in krill availability impacts reproductive rates of Antarctic baleen whales
The krill surplus hypothesis of unlimited prey resources available for Antarctic predators due
to commercial whaling in the 20th century has remained largely untested since the 1970s …
to commercial whaling in the 20th century has remained largely untested since the 1970s …
Variability and change in the west Antarctic Peninsula marine system: research priorities and opportunities
Abstract The west Antarctic Peninsula (WAP) region has undergone significant changes in
temperature and seasonal ice dynamics since the mid-twentieth century, with strong impacts …
temperature and seasonal ice dynamics since the mid-twentieth century, with strong impacts …
Seasonal gain in body condition of foraging humpback whales along the Western Antarctic Peninsula
Most baleen whales are capital breeders that use stored energy acquired on foraging
grounds to finance the costs of migration and reproduction on breeding grounds. Body …
grounds to finance the costs of migration and reproduction on breeding grounds. Body …
Using seabird and whale distribution models to estimate spatial consumption of krill to inform fishery management
Ecosystem dynamics at the northwest Antarctic Peninsula are driven by interactions
between physical and biological processes. For example, baleen whale populations are …
between physical and biological processes. For example, baleen whale populations are …
The ecosystem approach to management of the Antarctic krill fishery-the 'devils are in the detail'at small spatial and temporal scales
Fishery demand for Antarctic krill is increasing, and projected to continue increasing into the
future. Krill has the potential to contribute approximately 10% to all future marine landings …
future. Krill has the potential to contribute approximately 10% to all future marine landings …
High pregnancy rates in humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) around the Western Antarctic Peninsula, evidence of a rapidly growing population
Antarctic humpback whales are recovering from near extirpation from commercial whaling.
To understand the dynamics of this recovery and establish a baseline to monitor impacts of a …
To understand the dynamics of this recovery and establish a baseline to monitor impacts of a …
Humpback whale migrations to Antarctic summer foraging grounds through the southwest Pacific Ocean
Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) populations typically undertake seasonal
migrations, spending winters in low latitude breeding grounds and summers foraging in high …
migrations, spending winters in low latitude breeding grounds and summers foraging in high …
Aerial-trained deep learning networks for surveying cetaceans from satellite imagery
Most cetacean species are wide-ranging and highly mobile, creating significant challenges
for researchers by limiting the scope of data that can be collected and leaving large areas un …
for researchers by limiting the scope of data that can be collected and leaving large areas un …
Changing phytoplankton phenology in the marginal ice zone west of the Antarctic Peninsula
Climate change is altering global ocean phenology, the timing of annually occurring
biological events. We examined the changing phenology of the phytoplankton accumulation …
biological events. We examined the changing phenology of the phytoplankton accumulation …