A comprehensive analysis towards benchmarking of life cycle assessment of buildings based on systematic review
The building industry is a sector of great importance to human beings and at the same time
responsible for significant environmental degradations. In the past decades, life cycle …
responsible for significant environmental degradations. In the past decades, life cycle …
Can life-cycle assessment produce reliable policy guidelines in the building sector?
Life-cycle assessment (LCA) is an established methodology that can provide decision-
makers with comprehensive data on the environmental impacts of products and processes …
makers with comprehensive data on the environmental impacts of products and processes …
A semi-quantitative framework of building lifecycle analysis: Demonstrated through a case study of a typical office building block in Mexico in warm and humid climate
Abstract The Building Lifecycle Assessment (BLCA) has initiated development of lots of new
tools and methodologies to calculate the rates of consumption in all phases of buildings' …
tools and methodologies to calculate the rates of consumption in all phases of buildings' …
A critical building lifecycle assessment framework for building designers and decision makers
AM Sami Kashkooli - 2013 - etheses.whiterose.ac.uk
In the past few decades, world-wide interest in environmental preservation has involved
researchers in a great challenge to find new approaches to manage the environmental …
researchers in a great challenge to find new approaches to manage the environmental …
[PDF][PDF] A critical building lifecycle assessment framework for building designers and decision makers
AMS Kashkooli - 2013 - researchgate.net
In the past few decades, world-wide interest in environmental preservation has involved
researchers in a great challenge to find new approaches to manage the environmental …
researchers in a great challenge to find new approaches to manage the environmental …