Survey of underwater robot positioning navigation
Underwater robot positioning and navigation achieve autonomous underwater robot
movement based on the premise that positioning obtains the coordinates of the relative …
movement based on the premise that positioning obtains the coordinates of the relative …
Kalman-filter-based integration of IMU and UWB for high-accuracy indoor positioning and navigation
The emerging Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as smart manufacturing and smart
home, lead to a huge demand on the provisioning of low-cost and high-accuracy positioning …
home, lead to a huge demand on the provisioning of low-cost and high-accuracy positioning …
A new adaptive extended Kalman filter for cooperative localization
To solve the problem of unknown noise covariance matrices inherent in the cooperative
localization of autonomous underwater vehicles, a new adaptive extended Kalman filter is …
localization of autonomous underwater vehicles, a new adaptive extended Kalman filter is …
A novel SINS/DVL tightly integrated navigation method for complex environment
In general, the strap-down inertial navigation system (SINS)/Doppler velocity log (DVL)-
integrated navigation method can provide continuous and accurate navigation information …
integrated navigation method can provide continuous and accurate navigation information …
A lie group manifold-based nonlinear estimation algorithm and its application to low-accuracy SINS/GNSS integrated navigation
In this article, in order to improve the performance of the micro inertial measurement unit
(MIMU) based on low-accuracy navigation system under the condition of initial large …
(MIMU) based on low-accuracy navigation system under the condition of initial large …
Kalman-filtering-based in-motion coarse alignment for odometer-aided SINS
In this paper, the in-motion coarse alignment (IMCA) for odometer-aided strap-down inertial
navigation system (SINS) is investigated with the main focus on compensating for the …
navigation system (SINS) is investigated with the main focus on compensating for the …
A computationally efficient outlier-robust cubature Kalman filter for underwater gravity matching navigation
Gravity-aided navigation is one of key techniques for the navigation of underwater vehicles.
Cubature Kalman filter (CKF)-based matching algorithm improves the positioning accuracy …
Cubature Kalman filter (CKF)-based matching algorithm improves the positioning accuracy …
Deep-learning-based neural network training for state estimation enhancement: Application to attitude estimation
Achieving precise state estimation is needed for the unmanned aerial vehicle to perform a
successful flight with a high degree of stability. Nonetheless, obtaining accurate state …
successful flight with a high degree of stability. Nonetheless, obtaining accurate state …
A new Kalman filter-based in-motion initial alignment method for DVL-aided low-cost SINS
L Luo, Y Huang, Z Zhang… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The inertial measurement unit (IMU) biases, DVL lever arm and installation misalignment
angles between IMU and doppler velocity log (DVL) have a great influence on in-motion …
angles between IMU and doppler velocity log (DVL) have a great influence on in-motion …
Initial alignment for a Doppler velocity log-aided strapdown inertial navigation system with limited information
L Chang, Y Li, B Xue - IEEE/ASME Transactions on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper proposes an ingenious alignment scheme for a Doppler velocity log-aided
strapdown inertial navigation system with only the initial velocity and position information …
strapdown inertial navigation system with only the initial velocity and position information …