Determination of stress waves and their effect on the damage extension induced by surface defects of KDP crystals under intense laser irradiation
The residual crack defects on the surface of potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP) crystals
are the bottleneck that limits the improvement<? TeX 2pc 0pt?> of laser damage resistance …
are the bottleneck that limits the improvement<? TeX 2pc 0pt?> of laser damage resistance …
Laser-Induced Microexplosion Confined in the Bulk of a Sapphire Crystal:<? format?> Evidence of Multimegabar Pressures
Extremely high pressures (<? format?>∼<? format?> 10 TPa) and temperatures (5× 10 5 K)
have been produced using a single laser pulse (100 nJ, 800 nm, 200 fs) focused inside a …
have been produced using a single laser pulse (100 nJ, 800 nm, 200 fs) focused inside a …
Crack-free high-aspect ratio holes in glasses by top–down percussion drilling with infrared femtosecond laser GHz-bursts
We report novel results on top-down percussion drilling in different glasses with
femtosecond laser GHz-bursts. Thanks to this particular regime of light–matter interaction …
femtosecond laser GHz-bursts. Thanks to this particular regime of light–matter interaction …
Damage mechanisms avoided or managed for NIF large optics
KR Manes, ML Spaeth, JJ Adams… - Fusion Science and …, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
After every other failure mode has been considered, in the end, the high-performance limit of
all lasers is set by optical damage. The demands of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) pushed …
all lasers is set by optical damage. The demands of inertial confinement fusion (ICF) pushed …
[HTML][HTML] Recent Advances in Laser-Induced Surface Damage of KH2PO4 Crystal
As a hard and brittle material, KDP crystal is easily damaged by the irradiation of laser in a
laser-driven inertial confinement fusion device due to various factors, which will also affect …
laser-driven inertial confinement fusion device due to various factors, which will also affect …
Linear/nonlinear optical properties of functional inorganic MgO nano-filler in PVA transparent polymer for flexible optoelectronic devices
Structural features of different PVA/MgO nanocomposite films, where 0≤ M g O wt%≤ 5,
using XRD and Raman spectra were correlated with their linear/nonlinear optical properties …
using XRD and Raman spectra were correlated with their linear/nonlinear optical properties …
Transition from thermal diffusion to heat accumulation in high repetition rate femtosecond laser writing of buried optical waveguides
A variable (0.2 to 5 MHz) repetition rate femtosecond laser was applied to delineate the role
of thermal diffusion and heat accumulation effects in forming low-loss optical waveguides in …
of thermal diffusion and heat accumulation effects in forming low-loss optical waveguides in …
Laser-matter interaction in the bulk of a transparent solid: Confined microexplosion and void formation
We present here the experimental and theoretical studies of a single femtosecond laser
pulse interaction inside a bulk of transparent media (sapphire, glass, polymer). This …
pulse interaction inside a bulk of transparent media (sapphire, glass, polymer). This …
Bulk and surface laser damage of silica by picosecond and nanosecond pulses at
AV Smith, BT Do - Applied optics, 2008 -
We measured bulk and surface dielectric breakdown thresholds of pure silica for 14 ps and
8 ns pulses of 1064 nm light. The thresholds are sharp and reproducible. For the 8 ns pulses …
8 ns pulses of 1064 nm light. The thresholds are sharp and reproducible. For the 8 ns pulses …
[KNJIGA][B] Femtosecond laser-matter interaction: theory, experiments and applications
EG Gamaly - 2011 -
This is the first comprehensive treatment of the interaction of femtosecond laser pulses with
solids at nonrelativistic intensity. It connects phenomena from the subtle atomic motion on …
solids at nonrelativistic intensity. It connects phenomena from the subtle atomic motion on …