Evolutionary breeding for sustainable agriculture: Selection and multi-environmental evaluation of barley populations and lines
Varieties specifically bred for organic and low-input agriculture are presently lacking. A
strategy to develop them is evolutionary breeding that relies on a combination of natural and …
strategy to develop them is evolutionary breeding that relies on a combination of natural and …
Comparative phylogeography in the Atlantic forest and Brazilian savannas: Pleistocene fluctuations and dispersal shape spatial patterns in two bumblebees
Background Bombus morio and B. pauloensis are sympatric widespread bumblebee
species that occupy two major Brazilian biomes, the Atlantic forest and the savannas of the …
species that occupy two major Brazilian biomes, the Atlantic forest and the savannas of the …
Mating-Type Distribution and Genetic Diversity of Cercospora so**a Populations on Soybean from Arkansas: Evidence for Potential Sexual Reproduction
Cercospora so**a causes frogeye leaf spot of soybean, which can cause serious economic
losses in the United States. In this study, 132 C. so**a isolates were collected from six fields …
losses in the United States. In this study, 132 C. so**a isolates were collected from six fields …
An experimental conflict of interest between parasites reveals the mechanism of host manipulation
N Hafer, M Milinski - Behavioral Ecology, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Parasites can increase their host's predation susceptibility. It is a long-standing puzzle,
whether this is caused by host manipulation, an evolved strategy of the parasite, or by side …
whether this is caused by host manipulation, an evolved strategy of the parasite, or by side …
Hybridization between two cestode species and its consequences for intermediate host range
Background Many parasites show an extraordinary degree of host specificity, even though a
narrow range of host species reduces the likelihood of successful transmission. In this study …
narrow range of host species reduces the likelihood of successful transmission. In this study …
Evolution of a barley composite cross-derived population: an insight gained by molecular markers
Many studies have highlighted the continuously increasing need for genetic diversity in the
field; nonetheless, plant breeding is still predominantly generating uniform cultivars …
field; nonetheless, plant breeding is still predominantly generating uniform cultivars …
Population genetics of the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in South America
Abstract The Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) is one of the rarest and most
severely threatened birds of prey in the Neotropical region. We studied levels of neutral …
severely threatened birds of prey in the Neotropical region. We studied levels of neutral …
Reduced population size does not affect the mating strategy of a vulnerable and endemic seabird
C Nava, VC Neves, M Andris, MP Dubois, P Jarne… - The Science of …, 2017 - Springer
Bottleneck episodes may occur in small and isolated animal populations, which may result
in decreased genetic diversity and increased inbreeding, but also in mating strategy …
in decreased genetic diversity and increased inbreeding, but also in mating strategy …
Copulation order, density cues and variance in fertilization success in a cestode
Simultaneous hermaphrodites maximize their fitness by optimizing their investment into
male or female functions. Allocation of resources to male function (tissues, traits, and/or …
male or female functions. Allocation of resources to male function (tissues, traits, and/or …
The Present Status of Available Genetic Information for Avian Species Distributing in Japan and on the List of “Nationally Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and …
M Onuma - The Journal of Poultry Science, 2015 - jstage.jst.go.jp
As of 2014, 89 species have been legally designated as “nationally endangered species of
wild fauna and flora,” including 37 avian species in Japan. To facilitate the breeding of …
wild fauna and flora,” including 37 avian species in Japan. To facilitate the breeding of …