Evolutionary breeding for sustainable agriculture: Selection and multi-environmental evaluation of barley populations and lines

L Raggi, S Ciancaleoni, R Torricelli, V Terzi… - Field Crops …, 2017 - Elsevier
Varieties specifically bred for organic and low-input agriculture are presently lacking. A
strategy to develop them is evolutionary breeding that relies on a combination of natural and …

Mating-Type Distribution and Genetic Diversity of Cercospora so**a Populations on Soybean from Arkansas: Evidence for Potential Sexual Reproduction

H Kim, AD Newell, RG Cota-Sieckmeyer… - …, 2013 - Am Phytopath Society
Cercospora so**a causes frogeye leaf spot of soybean, which can cause serious economic
losses in the United States. In this study, 132 C. so**a isolates were collected from six fields …

An experimental conflict of interest between parasites reveals the mechanism of host manipulation

N Hafer, M Milinski - Behavioral Ecology, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Parasites can increase their host's predation susceptibility. It is a long-standing puzzle,
whether this is caused by host manipulation, an evolved strategy of the parasite, or by side …

Hybridization between two cestode species and its consequences for intermediate host range

T Henrich, DP Benesh, M Kalbe - Parasites & vectors, 2013 - Springer
Background Many parasites show an extraordinary degree of host specificity, even though a
narrow range of host species reduces the likelihood of successful transmission. In this study …

Evolution of a barley composite cross-derived population: an insight gained by molecular markers

L Raggi, S Ceccarelli, V Negri - The Journal of Agricultural Science, 2016 - cambridge.org
Many studies have highlighted the continuously increasing need for genetic diversity in the
field; nonetheless, plant breeding is still predominantly generating uniform cultivars …

Population genetics of the endangered Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) in South America

D Canal, S Roques, JJ Negro, JH Sarasola - Conservation Genetics, 2017 - Springer
Abstract The Crowned Solitary Eagle (Buteogallus coronatus) is one of the rarest and most
severely threatened birds of prey in the Neotropical region. We studied levels of neutral …

Reduced population size does not affect the mating strategy of a vulnerable and endemic seabird

C Nava, VC Neves, M Andris, MP Dubois, P Jarne… - The Science of …, 2017 - Springer
Bottleneck episodes may occur in small and isolated animal populations, which may result
in decreased genetic diversity and increased inbreeding, but also in mating strategy …

Copulation order, density cues and variance in fertilization success in a cestode

D Andreou, DP Benesh - Parasitology, 2014 - cambridge.org
Simultaneous hermaphrodites maximize their fitness by optimizing their investment into
male or female functions. Allocation of resources to male function (tissues, traits, and/or …

The Present Status of Available Genetic Information for Avian Species Distributing in Japan and on the List of “Nationally Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and …

M Onuma - The Journal of Poultry Science, 2015 - jstage.jst.go.jp
As of 2014, 89 species have been legally designated as “nationally endangered species of
wild fauna and flora,” including 37 avian species in Japan. To facilitate the breeding of …