Matrescence: lifetime impact of motherhood on cognition and the brain
Profound environmental, hormonal, and neurobiological changes mark the transition to
motherhood as a major biosocial life event. Despite the ubiquity of motherhood, the …
motherhood as a major biosocial life event. Despite the ubiquity of motherhood, the …
Mentalizing makes parenting work: A review about parental reflective functioning and clinical interventions to improve it
A Camoirano - Frontiers in psychology, 2017 -
In the last decade several studies have investigated the role of parental reflective functioning
(RF), defined as the parental ability to understand his/her child's mental states, on the child's …
(RF), defined as the parental ability to understand his/her child's mental states, on the child's …
The parental reflective functioning questionnaire: Development and preliminary validation
This paper reports on three studies on the development and validation of the Parental
Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (PRFQ), a brief, multidimensional self-report measure …
Reflective Functioning Questionnaire (PRFQ), a brief, multidimensional self-report measure …
Development and validation of a self-report measure of mentalizing: The reflective functioning questionnaire
Reflective functioning or mentalizing is the capacity to interpret both the self and others in
terms of internal mental states such as feelings, wishes, goals, desires, and attitudes. This …
terms of internal mental states such as feelings, wishes, goals, desires, and attitudes. This …
Parental reflective functioning: Theory, research, and clinical applications
This paper reviews recent theoretical, empirical, and clinical work related to parental
reflective functioning (PRF) or parental mentalizing. PRF refers to the capacity of the parent …
reflective functioning (PRF) or parental mentalizing. PRF refers to the capacity of the parent …
Convergent validity of three measures of reflective function: Parent development interview, parental reflective function questionnaire, and reflective function …
Reflective function (RF) is defined as an individual's ability to understand human behavior in
terms of underlying mental states including thoughts, feelings, desires, beliefs, and …
terms of underlying mental states including thoughts, feelings, desires, beliefs, and …
The association between reflective functioning and parent–child relationship quality
WL Rostad, DJ Whitaker - Journal of child and family studies, 2016 - Springer
Research consistently links adult and infant attachment styles, yet the means by which
attachment is transmitted is relatively elusive. Recently, attention has been directed to the …
attachment is transmitted is relatively elusive. Recently, attention has been directed to the …
Less can be more: fine tuning the maternal brain
Abstract PAWLUSKI, JL, Hoekzema, E., Leuner, B., and Lonstein, JS Less can be more: Fine
tuning the maternal brain. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV (129) XXX-XXX, 2022. Plasticity in …
tuning the maternal brain. NEUROSCI BIOBEHAV REV (129) XXX-XXX, 2022. Plasticity in …
Associations between emotion regulation and parental reflective functioning
Emotion regulation encapsulates the capability to successfully manage an ongoing
emotional experience, particularly in social interactions, and thus may be especially …
emotional experience, particularly in social interactions, and thus may be especially …
Parental reflective functioning and its association with parenting behaviors in infancy and early childhood: A systematic review
LY Stuhrmann, A Göbel, C Bindt, S Mudra - Frontiers in psychology, 2022 -
Background Parental reflective functioning (PRF) refers to parents' mental capacity to
understand their own and their children's behaviors in terms of envisioned mental states. As …
understand their own and their children's behaviors in terms of envisioned mental states. As …