The difference between countermovement and squat jump performances: a review of underlying mechanisms with practical applications
Abstract Van Hooren, B and Zolotarjova, J. The difference between countermovement and
squat jump performances: a review of underlying mechanisms with practical applications. J …
squat jump performances: a review of underlying mechanisms with practical applications. J …
[HTML][HTML] Mechanisms of hamstring strain injury: interactions between fatigue, muscle activation and function
S Huygaerts, F Cos, DD Cohen, J Calleja-González… - Sports, 2020 -
Isolated injury to the long head of biceps femoris is the most common type of acute
hamstring strain injury (HSI). However, the precise hamstring injury mechanism (ie, sprint …
hamstring strain injury (HSI). However, the precise hamstring injury mechanism (ie, sprint …
The difference between squat jump and countermovement jump in 770 male and female participants from different sports
Traditionally, a larger difference between countermovement (CMJ) and squat jump (SJ) was
seen as beneficial, as it reflects the ability to utilize the stretch-shortening cycle. However …
seen as beneficial, as it reflects the ability to utilize the stretch-shortening cycle. However …
Is there really an eccentric action of the hamstrings during the swing phase of high-speed running? Part I: a critical review of the literature
It is widely assumed that there is an eccentric hamstring muscle fibre action during the swing
phase of high-speed running. However, animal and modelling studies in humans show that …
phase of high-speed running. However, animal and modelling studies in humans show that …
A brief review of selected biomechanical variables for sport performance monitoring and training optimization
Traditional neuromuscular tests (eg, jum** and sprinting tasks) are useful to assess
athletic performance, but the basic outcomes (eg, jump height, sprint time) offer only a …
athletic performance, but the basic outcomes (eg, jump height, sprint time) offer only a …
Detraining of specific neuromuscular qualities in elite footballers during COVID-19 quarantine
The COVID-19 pandemic forced elite football leagues into extended breaks followed by
prompt resumption of competition. Inadequate periods of on-pitch football-specific training …
prompt resumption of competition. Inadequate periods of on-pitch football-specific training …
A conceptual exploration of hamstring muscle–tendon functioning during the late-swing phase of sprinting: the importance of evidence-based hamstring training …
An eccentrically lengthening, energy-absorbing, brake-driven model of hamstring function
during the late-swing phase of sprinting has been widely touted within the existing literature …
during the late-swing phase of sprinting has been widely touted within the existing literature …
Attentional focus effects on lower-limb muscular strength in athletes: A systematic review
Abstract Pompa, D, Carson, HJ, Beato, M, di Fronso, S, and Bertollo, M. Attentional focus
effects on lower-limb muscular strength in athletes: A systematic review. J Strength Cond …
effects on lower-limb muscular strength in athletes: A systematic review. J Strength Cond …
Associations of maximum and reactive strength indicators with force–velocity profiles obtained from squat jump and countermovement jump
Understanding the properties associated with the vertical force–velocity (F–v) profiles is
important for maximizing jump performance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the …
important for maximizing jump performance. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the …
Is there really an eccentric action of the hamstrings during the swing phase of high-speed running? Part II: Implications for exercise
We have previously argued that there may actually be no significant eccentric, but rather
predominantly an isometric action of the hamstring muscle fibres during the swing phase of …
predominantly an isometric action of the hamstring muscle fibres during the swing phase of …