Unethical pro-organizational behavior: A systematic review and future research agenda

M Mishra, K Ghosh, D Sharma - Journal of business ethics, 2021 - Springer
Since the conceptualization of unethical pro-organizational behavior ten years ago,
scholarly interest in exploring this phenomenon has multiplied. Given a burgeoning body of …

Social exchange theory: A critical review with theoretical remedies

R Cropanzano, EL Anthony, SR Daniels… - … of management annals, 2017 - journals.aom.org
Social exchange theory is one of the most prominent conceptual perspectives in
management, as well as related fields like sociology and social psychology. An important …

The hidden dark side of empowering leadership: The moderating role of hindrance stressors in explaining when empowering employees can promote moral …

T Dennerlein, BL Kirkman - Journal of applied psychology, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
The majority of theory and research on empowering leadership to date has focused on how
empowering leader behaviors influence employees, portraying those behaviors as almost …

Good intentions, bad behavior: A review and synthesis of the literature on unethical prosocial behavior (UPB) at work

S Mo, MJ Lupoli, A Newman… - Journal of …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Scholars have investigated work behaviors that are intended to help others, yet at the same
time violate societal values, norms, laws, or standards of proper conduct. We refer to these …

Relaxing moral reasoning to win: How organizational identification relates to unethical pro-organizational behavior.

M Chen, CC Chen, OJ Sheldon - Journal of applied psychology, 2016 - psycnet.apa.org
Drawing on social identity theory and social–cognitive theory, we hypothesize that
organizational identification predicts unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) through …

Psychological ownership: A meta-analysis and comparison of multiple forms of attachment in the workplace

Y Zhang, G Liu, L Zhang, S Xu… - Journal of …, 2021 - journals.sagepub.com
This quantitative review systematically integrates the antecedents and outcomes of
psychological ownership (PO) and examines its incremental validity and explanatory power …

The dark side of strong identification in organizations: A conceptual review

DV Caprar, BW Walker, BE Ashforth - Academy of Management …, 2022 - journals.aom.org
Identification (a state of perceived “oneness” with a given target) fulfills fundamental human
motives and facilitates a range of positive outcomes, but it also has a dark side. While …

Investigating when and why psychological entitlement predicts unethical pro-organizational behavior

A Lee, G Schwarz, A Newman, A Legood - Journal of Business Ethics, 2019 - Springer
In this research, we examine the relationship between employee psychological entitlement
(PE) and employee willingness to engage in unethical pro-organizational behavior (UPB) …

The future cybersecurity workforce: Going beyond technical skills for successful cyber performance

J Dawson, R Thomson - Frontiers in psychology, 2018 - frontiersin.org
One of the challenges in writing an article reviewing the current state of cyber education and
workforce development is that there is a paucity of quantitative assessment regarding the …

It's mine! Psychological ownership of one's job explains positive and negative workplace outcomes of job engagement.

L Wang, KS Law, MJ Zhang, YN Li… - Journal of Applied …, 2019 - psycnet.apa.org
Job engagement denotes the extent to which an employee invests the full self in performing
the job. Extant research has investigated the positive outcomes of job engagement, paying …