[HTML][HTML] The interplay between time spent gaming and disordered gaming: A large-scale world-wide study

HM Pontes, B Schivinski, C Kannen, C Montag - Social Science & Medicine, 2022 - Elsevier
Abstract Background 'Gaming Disorder'(GD) is now an officially recognized mental health
disorder according to the World Health Organization (WHO) framework while 'Internet …

[HTML][HTML] The concept of recovery in gaming disorder: A sco** review

B Gavriel-Fried, M Serry, D Katz, D Hidvégi… - Journal of Behavioral …, 2023 - akjournals.com
Background Recovery from mental health and behavioral disorders is classically defined as
a reduction in symptoms. More recent definitions see it as a process in which individuals …

Problem gaming-related harm experienced by partners and parents of individuals with gaming problems and their help-seeking experiences

C Szász-Janocha, M Magann, H Gold… - Journal of behavioral …, 2023 - akjournals.com
Background and aims Limited research has investigated how individuals' problem gaming
affects significant others. The present study investigated the extent to which partners and …


H Permana - Hisbah: Jurnal Bimbingan Konseling dan …, 2022 - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk menjelaskan secara deskriptif pelaksanaan layanan
konseling individu melalui pendekatan Cognitive Behavior Therapy dalam mengurangi …

Intervenciones para la conducta suicida en adolescentes desde el modelo cognitivo-conductual: Revisión de avances investigativos

E Vásquez Guerrero, EE Rodríguez Padilla - 2024 - bonga.unisimon.edu.co
El suicidio adolescente representa una preocupación creciente en la salud pública, con
implicaciones devastadoras para individuos, familias y comunidades. La terapia cognitivo …

Compilation and Validation of the Educational Package for Control Addiction to Online Games in Teenagers

F Jameinezhad, M Omidian, S Basaknejad… - A new approach to …, 2024 - journal.iocv.ir
Background and purpose: The aim of research was compile and validate the educational
package for controlling addiction to online games in teenagers. Research method: This …