Natural disturbance impacts on ecosystem services and biodiversity in temperate and boreal forests
In many parts of the world forest disturbance regimes have intensified recently, and future
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
climatic changes are expected to amplify this development further in the coming decades …
Indigenous fire management and cross-scale fire-climate relationships in the Southwest United States from 1500 to 1900 CE
Prior research suggests that Indigenous fire management buffers climate influences on
wildfires, but it is unclear whether these benefits accrue across geographic scales. We use a …
wildfires, but it is unclear whether these benefits accrue across geographic scales. We use a …
Tree-ring reconstructions of fire and climate history in the Sierra Nevada and southwestern United States
Most of the fire history research conducted in the past century has focused on case studies
and local-scale assessments of pattern and process, with an emphasis on describing typical …
and local-scale assessments of pattern and process, with an emphasis on describing typical …
[HTML][HTML] Fire severity, size, and climate associations diverge from historical precedent along an ecological gradient in the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona, USA
In recent decades fire size and severity have been increasing in high elevation forests of the
American Southwest. Ecological outcomes of these increases are difficult to gauge without …
American Southwest. Ecological outcomes of these increases are difficult to gauge without …
Pine vs. oaks revisited: Conversion of Madrean pine-oak forest to oak shrubland after high-severity wildfire in the Sky Islands of Arizona
Fire regimes have changed dramatically in most dry woodlands and forests of the American
Southwest from frequent surface fires prior to Euro-American settlement, to fire suppression …
Southwest from frequent surface fires prior to Euro-American settlement, to fire suppression …
Contributions of insects and droughts to growth decline of trembling aspen mixed boreal forest of western Canada
Insects, diseases, fire and drought and other disturbances associated with global climate
change contribute to forest decline and mortality in many parts of the world. Forest decline …
change contribute to forest decline and mortality in many parts of the world. Forest decline …
Woody species as landscape modulators and their effect on biodiversity patterns
Ecological research on organism-environment interactions has developed asymmetrically.
Modulation of organisms by the environment has received much attention, while theoretical …
Modulation of organisms by the environment has received much attention, while theoretical …
Interactions between antecedent climate and wildfire variability across south-eastern Arizona
Long-term antecedent climate conditions are often overlooked as important drivers of
wildfire variability. Fuel moisture levels and fine-fuel productivity are controlled by variability …
wildfire variability. Fuel moisture levels and fine-fuel productivity are controlled by variability …
Topography affected landscape fire history patterns in southern Arizona, USA
Fire histories contribute important information to contemporary fire planning, however, our
knowledge is not comprehensive geographically. We evaluated the influence of topography …
knowledge is not comprehensive geographically. We evaluated the influence of topography …
Influence of fire and El Nino on tree recruitment varies by species in Sierran mixed conifer
The influence of fire and climate events on age structure of different species was examined
in old-growth mixed conifer in the southern Sierra Nevada. Within a 48-ha stem-mapped …
in old-growth mixed conifer in the southern Sierra Nevada. Within a 48-ha stem-mapped …