Increasing student achievement motivation during online learning activities
Learning motivation to engage students has been a challenge in building and learning. This
study studied the effectiveness of learning using online media in improving student …
study studied the effectiveness of learning using online media in improving student …
Pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis tpack dalam meningkatkan aktivitas belajar dan kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa
Planning a mature learning device is an important component in determining the direction of
Learning objectives. The purpose of this study is to develop TPACK-based learning devices …
Learning objectives. The purpose of this study is to develop TPACK-based learning devices …
[PDF][PDF] The use of social media as learning resources to support the new normal
ZZA Thaariq - Teknodika, 2020 -
This article aims to study the use of social media as a learning resource. Basically, social
media tends to be freely used by various circles, both in terms of cost and time spent. In …
media tends to be freely used by various circles, both in terms of cost and time spent. In …
Pengembangan bahan ajar matematika untuk siswa kelas v sekolah dasar
D Nindiawati, M Subandowo, RD Rusmawati - Edcomtech, 2021 -
Penelifian pengembangan bahan ajar Matemafika bangun ruang dan pengolahan data
dirancang lebih prakfis, efekfif, dan mudah dipahami bagi siswa Kelas V SD dengan metode …
dirancang lebih prakfis, efekfif, dan mudah dipahami bagi siswa Kelas V SD dengan metode …
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD) Bermuatan Kearifan Lokal Terintegrasi TPACK untuk Siswa Kelas V Sekolah Dasar, Efektifkah?
SM Pane, M Lubis, SA Sormin - Jurnal Penelitian Dan …, 2022 -
Penggunaan LKPD yang bersifat umum karena berisi ringkasan materi saja dan soal-soal
yang disusun dengan pola dan bentuk yang kurang menarik menyebabkan rendahnya …
yang disusun dengan pola dan bentuk yang kurang menarik menyebabkan rendahnya …
[PDF][PDF] Pengaruh e-learning, pembelajaran langsung, dan faktor gaya kognitif terhadap hasil belajar prakarya kewirausahaan
FA Nudin, DA Walujo - Edcomtech, 2021 -
This study aims to see differences in learning outcomes of E-Learningbased and direct
learning group entrepreneurship learning outcomes, to see differences in learning outcomes …
learning group entrepreneurship learning outcomes, to see differences in learning outcomes …
The utilization of information and communication technology is crucial, not only in
classrooms, but also in all aspects of life. The 21st-century learning acknowledges the …
classrooms, but also in all aspects of life. The 21st-century learning acknowledges the …
Analisis Kemampuan Technological Knowledge Calon Guru Sekolah Dasar
Guru yang kompeten dan professional merupakan hal penting yang harus ada demi
terwujudnya pendidikan yang berkualitas. Technological Knowledge (TK) merupakan …
terwujudnya pendidikan yang berkualitas. Technological Knowledge (TK) merupakan …
Pelatihan Microlearning Berbasis Gamification dengan Wordwall Bagi Guru SMP IT Ibnu Sina
Technological developments are taking place increasingly rapidly, thereby changing the
order of life in various aspects. This can also be seen from one of the government's efforts to …
order of life in various aspects. This can also be seen from one of the government's efforts to …
[PDF][PDF] Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis e-learning pada pembelajaran tematik sekolah dasar
Teknologi dalam bidang Pendidikan telah berkembang pesat, salah satunya adalah
munculnya E-learning. Penelifian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar temafik …
munculnya E-learning. Penelifian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar temafik …