Behavioral-dependent recursive movements and implications for resource selection
Within home ranges, animals repeatedly visit certain areas. Recursive movement patterns
are widespread throughout the animal kingdom, but are rarely considered when develo** …
are widespread throughout the animal kingdom, but are rarely considered when develo** …
Behavior, nutrition, and environment drive survival of a large herbivore in the face of extreme winter conditions
For many species, behavioral modification is an effective strategy to mitigate negative effects
of harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions. When behavioral modifications are …
of harsh and unpredictable environmental conditions. When behavioral modifications are …
Nest and brood site selection of eastern wild turkeys
Management of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forests relies on frequent prescribed fire to
maintain desirable plant communities. Prescribed fire is often applied while female wild …
maintain desirable plant communities. Prescribed fire is often applied while female wild …
Food resources affect territoriality of invasive wild pig sounders with implications for control
Interest in control methods for invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa) has increased due to their
range expansion, population growth, and an improved understanding of their destructive …
range expansion, population growth, and an improved understanding of their destructive …
Using multi-scale behavioral investigations to inform wild pig (Sus scrofa) population management
JL Froehly, NR Beane, DE Evans, KE Cagle… - PloS one, 2020 -
Assessing invasive species ecology at multiple scales is needed to understand how to focus
ecological monitoring and population control. As a widespread invasive species, wild pigs …
ecological monitoring and population control. As a widespread invasive species, wild pigs …
Male mating season range expansion results from an increase in scale of daily movements for a polygynous–promiscuous bird
Males of species with promiscuous mating systems are commonly observed to use larger
ranges during the mating season relative to non‐mating seasons, which is often attributed to …
ranges during the mating season relative to non‐mating seasons, which is often attributed to …
Recursive movements of eastern wild turkey broods in the southeastern United States
Productivity of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) populations throughout the southeastern
United States has declined over the past several decades. Although population trajectory is …
United States has declined over the past several decades. Although population trajectory is …
Reproductive ecology of Gould's Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo mexicana) in Arizona
BA Collier, N Fyffe, A Smallwood… - The Wilson Journal …, 2019 -
ABSTRACT Gould's Wild Turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo mexicana) are the least-studied
subspecies of Wild Turkey. Restoration efforts to establish sustainable populations of the …
subspecies of Wild Turkey. Restoration efforts to establish sustainable populations of the …
First-passage time analysis of diffusion-controlled reactions in single-molecule detection
Single-molecule detection (SMD) aims to achieve the ultimate limit-of-detection (LOD) in
biosensing. This method detects a countable number of targeted analyte molecules in …
biosensing. This method detects a countable number of targeted analyte molecules in …
Northern bobwhite foraging response to hunting
DJ McGrath, TM Terhune… - The Journal of Wildlife …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Prey species must consistently balance the need for resource acquisition with the threat of
predation. This balance is particularly true for gallinaceous birds, such as the northern …
predation. This balance is particularly true for gallinaceous birds, such as the northern …