Lessons from the host defences of bats, a unique viral reservoir
There have been several major outbreaks of emerging viral diseases, including Hendra,
Nipah, Marburg and Ebola virus diseases, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and …
Nipah, Marburg and Ebola virus diseases, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and …
From spatial orientation to food acquisition in echolocating bats
Field research on echolocation behavior in bats has emphasized studies of food acquisition,
and the adaptive value of sonar signal design as been considered largely in the context of …
and the adaptive value of sonar signal design as been considered largely in the context of …
[CARTE][B] Principles of animal communication
JW Bradbury, SL Vehrencamp - 1998 - learninglink.oup.com
Literature Cited to accompany Animal Communication, 2e Page 1 Principles of Animal
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Communication, Second Edition Jack W. Bradbury and Sandra L. Vehrencamp Chapter 14 …
Best practices for justifying fossil calibrations
Our ability to correlate biological evolution with climate change, geological evolution, and
other historical patterns is essential to understanding the processes that shape biodiversity …
other historical patterns is essential to understanding the processes that shape biodiversity …
Resolution of the early placental mammal radiation using Bayesian phylogenetics
Molecular phylogenetic studies have resolved placental mammals into four major groups,
but have not established the full hierarchy of interordinal relationships, including the position …
but have not established the full hierarchy of interordinal relationships, including the position …
A molecular phylogeny for bats illuminates biogeography and the fossil record
Bats make up more than 20% of extant mammals, yet their evolutionary history is largely
unknown because of a limited fossil record and conflicting or incomplete phylogenies. Here …
unknown because of a limited fossil record and conflicting or incomplete phylogenies. Here …
A phylogenomic analysis of turtles
NG Crawford, JF Parham, AB Sellas… - Molecular phylogenetics …, 2015 - Elsevier
Molecular analyses of turtle relationships have overturned prevailing morphological
hypotheses and prompted the development of a new taxonomy. Here we provide the first …
hypotheses and prompted the development of a new taxonomy. Here we provide the first …
Bats and zoonotic viruses: can we confidently link bats with emerging deadly viruses?
R Moratelli, CH Calisher - Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2015 - SciELO Brasil
An increasingly asked question is' can we confidently link bats with emerging viruses?'. No,
or not yet, is the qualified answer based on the evidence available. Although more than 200 …
or not yet, is the qualified answer based on the evidence available. Although more than 200 …
Testing the Impact of Calibration on Molecular Divergence Times Using a Fossil-Rich Group: The Case of Nothofagus (Fagales)
Although temporal calibration is widely recognized as critical for obtaining accurate
divergence-time estimates using molecular dating methods, few studies have evaluated the …
divergence-time estimates using molecular dating methods, few studies have evaluated the …
Amazonia 1492: pristine forest or cultural parkland?
MJ Heckenberger, A Kuikuro, UT Kuikuro, JC Russell… - Science, 2003 - science.org
Archaeology and indigenous history of Native Amazonian peoples in the Upper **ngu
region of Brazil reveal unexpectedly complex regional settlement patterns and large-scale …
region of Brazil reveal unexpectedly complex regional settlement patterns and large-scale …