Heusler alloys for spintronic devices: review on recent development and future perspectives
Heusler alloys are theoretically predicted to become half-metals at room temperature (RT).
The advantages of using these alloys are good lattice matching with major substrates, high …
The advantages of using these alloys are good lattice matching with major substrates, high …
Heusler, weyl and berry
Heusler compounds, initially discovered by Fritz Heusler more than a century ago, have
grown into a family of more than 1,000 compounds, synthesized from combinations of more …
grown into a family of more than 1,000 compounds, synthesized from combinations of more …
Simple rules for the understanding of Heusler compounds
Heusler compounds are a remarkable class of intermetallic materials with 1: 1: 1 (often
called Half-Heusler) or 2: 1: 1 composition comprising more than 1500 members. Today …
called Half-Heusler) or 2: 1: 1 composition comprising more than 1500 members. Today …
Spintronics: a challenge for materials science and solid‐state chemistry
Spintronics is a multidisciplinary field involving physics, chemistry, and engineering, and is a
new research area for solid‐state scientists. A variety of new materials must be found to …
new research area for solid‐state scientists. A variety of new materials must be found to …
Calculated electronic and magnetic properties of the half-metallic, transition metal based Heusler compounds
In this paper, results of ab initio band structure calculations for A 2 BC Heusler compounds
that have A and B sites occupied by transition metals and C by a main group element are …
that have A and B sites occupied by transition metals and C by a main group element are …
Cobalt-based full Heusler compounds Co2FeZ (Z= Al, Si, and Ga): a comprehensive study of competition between XA and L21 atomic ordering with ab initio …
To study the structural properties of Co 2 FeZ (Z= Al, Si, Ga)(CFZ) alloys, we will use the
approximation method GGA-PBE based on the method of plane waves increased by linear …
approximation method GGA-PBE based on the method of plane waves increased by linear …
Stability, magnetic, electronic, elastic, thermodynamic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of Co2TiSn, Co2ZrSn and Co2HfSn Heusler alloys from calculations …
Abstract Structural, magnetic, electronic, elastic, thermodynamic, optical, and thermoelectric
properties of full-Heusler alloys Co2YSn (Y= Ti; Zr; Hf) were determined using density …
properties of full-Heusler alloys Co2YSn (Y= Ti; Zr; Hf) were determined using density …
Electronic, structural, and magnetic properties of the half-metallic ferromagnetic quaternary Heusler compounds CoFeMn (, Ga, Si, Ge)
The quaternary intermetallic Heusler compounds CoFeMn Z (Z= Al, Ga, Si, or Ge) with 1: 1:
1: 1 stoichiometry were predicted to exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism by ab initio …
1: 1 stoichiometry were predicted to exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism by ab initio …
Low dam** constant for Co2FeAl Heusler alloy films and its correlation with density of states
S Mizukami, D Watanabe, M Oogane, Y Ando… - Journal of Applied …, 2009 - pubs.aip.org
Gilbert dam** for the epitaxial Co 2 FeAl Heusler alloy films was investigated. Gilbert
dam** constant for the films was evaluated by analyzing the data of ferromagnetic …
dam** constant for the films was evaluated by analyzing the data of ferromagnetic …
Properties of the quaternary half-metal-type Heusler alloy
This paper reports on the bulk properties of the quaternary Heusler alloy Co 2 Mn 1− x Fe x
Si with the Fe concentration x= 0, 1∕ 2, 1. All samples, which were prepared by arc melting …
Si with the Fe concentration x= 0, 1∕ 2, 1. All samples, which were prepared by arc melting …