The effects of vigorous intensity exercise in the third trimester of pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Background Fetal growth is dependent upon utero-placental vascular supply of oxygen and
nutrients from the mother and has been proposed to be compromised by vigorous intensity …
nutrients from the mother and has been proposed to be compromised by vigorous intensity …
Nurse–physician communication–An integrated review
Aim and objective To present a comprehensive review of current evidence on the factors
which impact on nurse–physician communication and interventions developed to improve …
which impact on nurse–physician communication and interventions developed to improve …
Social media addiction scale-student form: the reliability and validity study.
The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to determine
the social media addictions of secondary school, high school and university students. 998 …
the social media addictions of secondary school, high school and university students. 998 …
An International Urogynecological Association (IUGA)/International Continence Society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for the conservative and …
Introduction and hypothesis There has been an increasing need for the terminology on the
conservative management of female pelvic floor dysfunction to be collated in a clinically …
conservative management of female pelvic floor dysfunction to be collated in a clinically …
Factors associated with medication administration errors and why nurses fail to report them
Background Patient safety is a significant challenge facing healthcare systems. The
administration of medication is pivotal to patient safety, and errors in drug administration are …
administration of medication is pivotal to patient safety, and errors in drug administration are …
[ספר][B] Promoting health: the primary health care approach
L Talbot, G Verrinder - 2017 - books.google.com
-Identification of IUHPE Core Competencies For Health Promotion in all chapters-'More to
explore'sections at the end of each chapter featuring additional readings and web links …
explore'sections at the end of each chapter featuring additional readings and web links …
Pharmaceuticals in the marine environment: a review
Despite the increasing presence of pharmaceuticals in marine environments and their
potential negative impacts, little research has been reported on the level and occurrence of …
potential negative impacts, little research has been reported on the level and occurrence of …
Bioactive compounds and their future therapeutic applications
Natural bioactive compounds, plant secondary metabolites, are not necessary for the normal
survival of the plants but required for inter-or intragenus/species competition, defense …
survival of the plants but required for inter-or intragenus/species competition, defense …
How Tiktok addiction leads to mental health illness? Examining the mediating role of academic performance using structural equation modeling
TikTok is a popular social media networking site among students. The features of this
application such as collaborating videos, and duet has attracted and impressed billions of …
application such as collaborating videos, and duet has attracted and impressed billions of …
Verbal aggression from care recipients as a risk factor among nursing staff: A study on burnout in the JD‐R model perspective
Among nursing staff, the risk of experiencing violence, especially verbal aggression, is
particularly relevant. The present study, developed in the theoretical framework of the Job …
particularly relevant. The present study, developed in the theoretical framework of the Job …