Hashing techniques: A survey and taxonomy
With the rapid development of information storage and networking technologies, quintillion
bytes of data are generated every day from social networks, business transactions, sensors …
bytes of data are generated every day from social networks, business transactions, sensors …
Supervised discrete hashing
Recently, learning based hashing techniques have attracted broad research interests due to
the resulting efficient storage and retrieval of images, videos, documents, etc. However, a …
the resulting efficient storage and retrieval of images, videos, documents, etc. However, a …
A survey on learning to hash
Nearest neighbor search is a problem of finding the data points from the database such that
the distances from them to the query point are the smallest. Learning to hash is one of the …
the distances from them to the query point are the smallest. Learning to hash is one of the …
Semantics-preserving hashing for cross-view retrieval
With benefits of low storage costs and high query speeds, hashing methods are widely
researched for efficiently retrieving large-scale data, which commonly contains multiple …
researched for efficiently retrieving large-scale data, which commonly contains multiple …
Hashing for similarity search: A survey
Similarity search (nearest neighbor search) is a problem of pursuing the data items whose
distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have …
distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have …
Bit-scalable deep hashing with regularized similarity learning for image retrieval and person re-identification
Extracting informative image features and learning effective approximate hashing functions
are two crucial steps in image retrieval. Conventional methods often study these two steps …
are two crucial steps in image retrieval. Conventional methods often study these two steps …
Binary generative adversarial networks for image retrieval
The most striking successes in image retrieval using deep hashing have mostly involved
discriminative models, which require labels. In this paper, we use binary generative …
discriminative models, which require labels. In this paper, we use binary generative …
A survey on big IoT data indexing: Potential solutions, recent advancements, and open issues
The past decade has been characterized by the growing volumes of data due to the
widespread use of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications, which introduced many …
widespread use of the Internet of Things (IoT) applications, which introduced many …
Graph PCA hashing for similarity search
This paper proposes a new hashing framework to conduct similarity search via the following
steps: first, employing linear clustering methods to obtain a set of representative data points …
steps: first, employing linear clustering methods to obtain a set of representative data points …
Quantization-based hashing: a general framework for scalable image and video retrieval
Nowadays, due to the exponential growth of user generated images and videos, there is an
increasing interest in learning-based hashing methods. In computer vision, the hash …
increasing interest in learning-based hashing methods. In computer vision, the hash …