Recent progress in pectin extraction, characterization, and pectin-based films for active food packaging applications: A review
Pectin is an abundant complex polysaccharide obtained from various plants. Safe,
biodegradable, and edible pectin has been extensively utilized in the food industry as a …
biodegradable, and edible pectin has been extensively utilized in the food industry as a …
Recent advances in the preservation of postharvest fruits using edible films and coatings: A comprehensive review
In recent years, there has been considerable growth in the creation of edible films and
coatings, which is predicted to have a major impact on fruit quality in the coming years …
coatings, which is predicted to have a major impact on fruit quality in the coming years …
[HTML][HTML] Trends in edible packaging films and its prospective future in food: a review
Food packaging is an important area of food research due to its prime role in the protection
and containment of foodstuffs. Traditionally petroleum-derived polymers fulfill the lion's …
and containment of foodstuffs. Traditionally petroleum-derived polymers fulfill the lion's …
Recent advances on polysaccharides, lipids and protein based edible films and coatings: A review
Food is a vital product for the survival of human beings and with passage of time quality
concerns of consumers are rising. Edible films and coatings are thin layers applied on food …
concerns of consumers are rising. Edible films and coatings are thin layers applied on food …
[HTML][HTML] Application of whey protein-based edible films and coatings in food industries: An updated overview
The recent surge in environmental awareness and consumer demand for stable, healthy,
and safe foods has led the packaging and food sectors to focus on develo** edible …
and safe foods has led the packaging and food sectors to focus on develo** edible …
Pectin-based active packaging: A critical review on preparation, physical properties and novel application in food preservation
J Huang, Z Hu, L Hu, G Li, Q Yao, Y Hu - Trends in Food Science & …, 2021 - Elsevier
Background Owing to increasing environmental concerns and growing demands for food
quality maintenance, biodegradable active packaging is emerging on the market to …
quality maintenance, biodegradable active packaging is emerging on the market to …
Recent progress in pectin extraction and their applications in develo** films and coatings for sustainable food packaging: A review
Perishable foods like fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and dairy products have short shelf-
life that causes significant postharvest losses, which poses a major challenge for food …
life that causes significant postharvest losses, which poses a major challenge for food …
Recent developments in edible films and coatings for fruits and vegetables
As a novel post-harvesting strategy, edible films and coatings for fruits and vegetables offer
preservation measures to meet the growing needs of hunger and agricultural management …
preservation measures to meet the growing needs of hunger and agricultural management …
Trends and advances in edible biopolymer coating for tropical fruit: A review
Nowadays, many of the tropical fruits have been commercialized worldwide due to
increasing demand. In 2018, global tropical fruit has reached an unprecedented peak of 7.1 …
increasing demand. In 2018, global tropical fruit has reached an unprecedented peak of 7.1 …
The dual function of calcium ion in fruit edible coating: Regulating polymer internal crosslinking state and improving fruit postharvest quality
The edible coating is proved to be a convenient approach for fruit preservation. Among
these published explorations, naturally sourced macromolecules and green crosslinking …
these published explorations, naturally sourced macromolecules and green crosslinking …