Review of fibre optic geophones and accelerometers for potential application in seismic acquisition for carbon storage monitoring
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technology has gained widespread attention as a
mitigation strategy in the battle against climate change. This technology involves capturing …
mitigation strategy in the battle against climate change. This technology involves capturing …
Microseismic source localization using Fourier Neural Operator with application to field data from Utah FORGE
Seismologists recognize the localization of earthquakes as a primary and complex task.
Determining the seismic event's location is essential for analyzing seismic activity. The …
Determining the seismic event's location is essential for analyzing seismic activity. The …
Passive sources and diffracted points imaging using combinational cross‐correlation imaging condition
Time‐reversal imaging is a critical technique for characterizing natural earthquakes and
artificial sources. Traditional time reversal methods sum the extrapolated wavefields of …
artificial sources. Traditional time reversal methods sum the extrapolated wavefields of …
Locating tremor using least-squares interferometric source location imaging method
In volcanic monitoring, accurate source locations of volcanic tremors are helpful to
understand the volcanic activity and further predict an eruption. The waveform-based …
understand the volcanic activity and further predict an eruption. The waveform-based …
An Adaptive Probabilistic Imaging Location Method for Microseismic Monitoring
Microseismic event locations provide critical insights into fracture locations and stress
conditions within rock formations, which are essential for seismic hazard monitoring. In …
conditions within rock formations, which are essential for seismic hazard monitoring. In …
High-resolution source imaging and moment tensor estimation of acoustic emissions during brittle creep of basalt undergoing carbonation
As the high-frequency analogue to field-scale earthquakes, acoustic emissions (AEs)
provide a valuable complement to study rock deformation mechanisms. During the load …
provide a valuable complement to study rock deformation mechanisms. During the load …