Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder and fear and increase satisfaction and legitimacy among citizens: A systematic review
Objectives Systematically review and synthesize the existing research on community-
oriented policing to identify its effects on crime, disorder, fear, citizen satisfaction, and police …
oriented policing to identify its effects on crime, disorder, fear, citizen satisfaction, and police …
Police programmes that seek to increase community connectedness for reducing violent extremism behaviour, attitudes and beliefs
Background Police can play a role in tackling violent extremism through disrupting terrorist
plots and by working with communities to identify individuals at risk of radicalisation. Police …
plots and by working with communities to identify individuals at risk of radicalisation. Police …
Collaborative stakeholder engagement: An integration between theories of organizational legitimacy and learning
VM Desai - Academy of Management Journal, 2018 - journals.aom.org
Organizations often collaborate with stakeholders such as customers, communities, and
other groups to pursue shared goals, and these partnerships are known to affect an …
other groups to pursue shared goals, and these partnerships are known to affect an …
[CARTE][B] Policing in america
LK Gaines, VE Kappeler, ZA Powell - 2021 - taylorfrancis.com
Policing in America, Ninth Edition, provides a thorough analysis of the key issues in policing
today, and offers an issues-oriented discussion focusing on critical concerns such as …
today, and offers an issues-oriented discussion focusing on critical concerns such as …
[CARTE][B] Community policing: A contemporary perspective
VE Kappeler, LK Gaines, BP Schaefer - 2020 - taylorfrancis.com
Community Policing: A Contemporary Perspective, 8th Edition, provides comprehensive
coverage of the philosophy and organizational strategy that expands the traditional police …
coverage of the philosophy and organizational strategy that expands the traditional police …
Community policing
G Cordner - The Oxford handbook of police and policing, 2014 - books.google.com
Casual observers might think that Bill Clinton invented community policing when he ran for
president of the United States in 1991. His platform included a campaign promise to help …
president of the United States in 1991. His platform included a campaign promise to help …
Top 10 US municipal police departments and their social media usage
L Brainard, M Edlins - The American Review of Public …, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Social media technologies present a new way for government agencies to connect with, and
potentially collaborate with, their residents. Police departments (PDs) are a setting ripe for …
potentially collaborate with, their residents. Police departments (PDs) are a setting ripe for …
The police as place-consolidators: The organizational amplification of urban inequality
D Gordon - Law & Social Inquiry, 2020 - cambridge.org
Efforts to understand racial inequality in policing often focus on the micro-level, examining
the situational dynamics of police-citizen encounters. This Article explores racial inequality …
the situational dynamics of police-citizen encounters. This Article explores racial inequality …
Law enforcement attitudes toward overdose prevention and response
TC Green, N Zaller, WR Palacios, SE Bowman… - Drug and Alcohol …, 2013 - Elsevier
Background Law enforcement is often the first to respond to medical emergencies in the
community, including overdose. Due to the nature of their job, officers have also witnessed …
community, including overdose. Due to the nature of their job, officers have also witnessed …
Community policing: A skeptical view
SD Mastrofski - Police innovation: Contrasting perspectives, 2006 - books.google.com
About three decades ago, a few American police leaders caught the wave of community
policing reform, and now just about everybody has gone surfing. If recent nationwide polls of …
policing reform, and now just about everybody has gone surfing. If recent nationwide polls of …