Charitable Triad Theory: How donors, beneficiaries, and fundraisers influence charitable giving
Nonprofits address some of the world's most pressing problems, and many rely on donations
to fund their essential work. Nonprofit marketers are, therefore, tasked with promoting …
to fund their essential work. Nonprofit marketers are, therefore, tasked with promoting …
Empathy building interventions: A review of existing work and suggestions for future directions
A major question in the study of empathy—the capacity to share and understand others'
internal states—is whether it can be increased. Scientists have designed a number of …
internal states—is whether it can be increased. Scientists have designed a number of …
Using performance art to promote intergroup prosociality by cultivating the belief that empathy is unlimited
Empathy is important for resolving intergroup conflicts. However, people often tend to feel
less empathy toward people who do not belong to their social group (ie, outgroup members) …
less empathy toward people who do not belong to their social group (ie, outgroup members) …
Age differences in the prosocial influence effect
Social influence occurs when an individual's thoughts or behaviours are affected by other
people. There are significant age effects on susceptibility to social influence, typically a …
people. There are significant age effects on susceptibility to social influence, typically a …
Addressing empathic failures
Empathy is critical for social functioning, but it often wanes when it is needed most. Resulting
empathic failures precipitate and worsen social conflict. Accordingly, conflict-reduction …
empathic failures precipitate and worsen social conflict. Accordingly, conflict-reduction …
Building empathy through motivation-based interventions.
Empathy is associated with adaptive social and emotional outcomes; as such, a crucial
outstanding question is whether it can be bolstered in ways that make practical differences …
outstanding question is whether it can be bolstered in ways that make practical differences …
Systematic review of determinants and consequences of bystander interventions in online hate and cyberbullying among adults
Despite the substantial amount of literature concerning adolescent bystanders of online hate
and cyberbullying, relatively little attention has been devoted to studying the same issue in …
and cyberbullying, relatively little attention has been devoted to studying the same issue in …
Signaling emotion and reason in cooperation.
We explore the signal value of emotion and reason in human cooperation. Across four
experiments utilizing dyadic prisoner dilemma games, we establish three central results …
experiments utilizing dyadic prisoner dilemma games, we establish three central results …
How do social norms influence prosocial development?
Highlights•Studies with children and adults show that prosocial behavior is substantially
influenced by both descriptive and injunctive norms.•Norms facilitate cooperation by sha** …
influenced by both descriptive and injunctive norms.•Norms facilitate cooperation by sha** …
[HTML][HTML] Susceptibility to prosocial and antisocial influence in adolescence
Introduction Adolescents are particularly susceptible to social influence and previous studies
have shown that this susceptibility decreases with age. The current study used a cross …
have shown that this susceptibility decreases with age. The current study used a cross …