Beyond WEIRD: A review of the last decade and a look ahead to the global laboratory of the future
Marking a decade since the publication of “The weirdest people in the world,” this special
issue is dedicated to exploring how to improve the quality of the science produced by the …
issue is dedicated to exploring how to improve the quality of the science produced by the …
Moralizing gods, impartiality and religious parochialism across 15 societies
The emergence of large-scale cooperation during the Holocene remains a central problem
in the evolutionary literature. One hypothesis points to culturally evolved beliefs in …
in the evolutionary literature. One hypothesis points to culturally evolved beliefs in …
How cultural learning and cognitive biases shape religious beliefs
Highlights•Cognitive biases and cultural transmission both explain some religious
variation.•Cultural evolution provides a unified account of recurrence and diversity in …
variation.•Cultural evolution provides a unified account of recurrence and diversity in …
Cultural evolution: A review of theoretical challenges
The rapid growth of cultural evolutionary science, its expansion into numerous fields, its use
of diverse methods, and several conceptual problems have outpaced corollary …
of diverse methods, and several conceptual problems have outpaced corollary …
Prosocial religions as folk-technologies of mutual policing.
Why do humans believe in moralizing gods? Leading accounts argue that these beliefs
evolved because they help societies grow and promote group cooperation. Yet recent …
evolved because they help societies grow and promote group cooperation. Yet recent …
[CARTE][B] What is religion?
JS Jensen - 2019 - taylorfrancis.com
Starting from the premise that religion is a human endeavour that can be analysed and
compared across time and cultures, What Is Religion? brings the most up-to-date …
compared across time and cultures, What Is Religion? brings the most up-to-date …
[HTML][HTML] Rewarding the good and punishing the bad: The role of karma and afterlife beliefs in sha** moral norms
Moralizing religions encourage people to anticipate supernatural punishments for violating
moral norms, even in anonymous interactions. This is thought to be one way large-scale …
moral norms, even in anonymous interactions. This is thought to be one way large-scale …
Supernatural norm enforcement: Thinking about karma and God reduces selfishness among believers
Abstract Four experiments (total N= 3591) examined how thinking about Karma and God
increases adherence to social norms that prescribe fairness in anonymous dictator games …
increases adherence to social norms that prescribe fairness in anonymous dictator games …
The cognitive and cultural foundations of moral behavior
Does moral culture contribute to the evolution of cooperation? Here, we examine individuals'
and communities' models of what it means to be good and bad and how they correspond to …
and communities' models of what it means to be good and bad and how they correspond to …
Preferences and constraints: the value of economic games for studying human behaviour
As economic games have spread from experimental economics to other social sciences, so
too have critiques of their usefulness for drawing inferences about the 'real world'. What …
too have critiques of their usefulness for drawing inferences about the 'real world'. What …