Nosema ceranae in Apis mellifera: a 12 years postdetection perspective

R Martín‐Hernández, C Bartolomé… - Environmental …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Nosema ceranae is a hot topic in honey bee health as reflected by numerous papers
published every year. This review presents an update of the knowledge generated in the last …

Standard methods for Nosema research

I Fries, MP Chauzat, YP Chen, V Doublet… - Journal of apicultural …, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Methods are described for working with Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae in the field and
in the laboratory. For fieldwork, different sampling methods are described to determine …

Colony collapse disorder: a descriptive study

D VanEngelsdorp, JD Evans, C Saegerman, C Mullin… - PloS one, 2009 -
Background Over the last two winters, there have been large-scale, unexplained losses of
managed honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) colonies in the United States. In the absence of a …

The German bee monitoring project: a long term study to understand periodically high winter losses of honey bee colonies

E Genersch, W Von Der Ohe, H Kaatz, A Schroeder… - Apidologie, 2010 -
The Western honey bee, Apis mellifera, is the most important animal pollinator in agriculture
worldwide providing more than 90% of the commercial pollination services. Due to the …

Synergistic parasite-pathogen interactions mediated by host immunity can drive the collapse of honeybee colonies

F Nazzi, SP Brown, D Annoscia, F Del Piccolo… - PLoS …, 2012 -
The health of the honeybee and, indirectly, global crop production are threatened by several
biotic and abiotic factors, which play a poorly defined role in the induction of widespread …

Honey bee pathology: current threats to honey bees and beekee**

E Genersch - Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 2010 - Springer
Managed honey bees are the most important commercial pollinators of those crops which
depend on animal pollination for reproduction and which account for 35% of the global food …

How natural infection by Nosema ceranae causes honeybee colony collapse

M Higes, R Martín‐Hernández, C Botías… - Environmental …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
In recent years, honeybees (Apis mellifera) have been strangely disappearing from their
hives, and strong colonies have suddenly become weak and died. The precise aetiology …

Bees brought to their knees: microbes affecting honey bee health

JD Evans, RS Schwarz - Trends in microbiology, 2011 -
The biology and health of the honey bee Apis mellifera has been of interest to human
societies for centuries. Research on honey bee health is surging, in part due to new tools …

Nosema ceranae in European honey bees (Apis mellifera)

I Fries - Journal of invertebrate pathology, 2010 - Elsevier
Nosema ceranae is a microsporidian parasite described from the Asian honey bee, Apis
cerana. The parasite is cross-infective with the European honey bee, Apis mellifera. It is not …

Dead or alive: deformed wing virus and Varroa destructor reduce the life span of winter honeybees

B Dainat, JD Evans, YP Chen, L Gauthier… - Applied and …, 2012 -
Elevated winter losses of managed honeybee colonies are a major concern, but the
underlying mechanisms remain controversial. Among the suspects are the parasitic mite …