[HTML][HTML] Orthopedic Devices for Skeletal Class III Malocclusion Treatment in Growing Patients: A Comparative Effectiveness Systematic Review

AM Inchingolo, AD Inchingolo, I Trilli, L Ferrante… - Journal of Clinical …, 2024 - mdpi.com
Background/Objectives: Skeletal Class III malocclusion (Cl III) presents a significant
orthodontic challenge, particularly in growing patients, requiring interceptive treatment to …

Effectiveness of management of skeletal class III malocclusion during primary, mixed, and permanent dentition period–A literature review

A Usman, AM Hegde, R Shetty… - Journal of Health and …, 2023 - thieme-connect.com
Skeletal class III malocclusion is one of the most challenging conditions in clinical dental
practice. Various treatment options are available for the management of the condition such …

[HTML][HTML] Skeletal Class III correction in permanent dentition using reverse twin block appliance and fixed mechanotherapy

H Singh, P Kapoor, P Sharma, RK Maurya… - The Saudi Dental …, 2018 - Elsevier
The orthodontic management of patients with Class III malocclusion poses numerous
prognostic and treatment challenges to the clinician. Various removable, orthopaedic …

[HTML][HTML] Los bloques gemelos en el tratamiento de las maloclusiones clase III. Revisión

Y Herrero Solano, AI Espinosa Guerra… - Multimed, 2022 - scielo.sld.cu
El tratamiento de las maloclusiones clase III en pacientes en crecimiento suele realizarse
con aparatos de ortopedia intraoral o extraoral. El objetivo fue analizar el uso de los …

[PDF][PDF] By: zaid ammar zaid jwad

YRAH ALLabban - 2023 - codental.uobaghdad.edu.iq
Describes the integration of various orthodontic and orthopedic protocols that can be used to
treat the myriad of dentoskeletal problems seen routinely in orthodontic practice. Some …

Ortodontia intercetiva no tratamento das malo-oclusões em odontopediatria

CSC Vida - 2020 - search.proquest.com
A dentição decídua é fundamental para a criança executar as principais funções orais:
mastigação, deglutição, fala e respiração. Desempenha também uma função importante na …

Los bloques gemelos en el tratamiento de las maloclusiones clase III. Revisión sistemática.

YH Solano, AIE Guerra, AM Pedrón, LAS Cantero… - Multimed, 2022 - revmultimed.sld.cu
El tratamiento de las maloclusiones clase III en pacientes en crecimiento suele realizarse
con aparatos de ortopedia intraoral o extraoral. El objetivo fue analizar el uso de los …

Treatment of Class III Malocclusion with Reverse Twin Block in the Growing Child (Case Report)

T Novalia - International Dental Conference of Sumatera Utara …, 2018 - atlantis-press.com
Class III malocclusion has a great variation of skeletal pattern in either the antero-posterior
orvertical planes. If left untreated, Class III malocclusion in the growing children will become …

[PDF][PDF] Facultad de Odontología

NT Sanz - 2018 - docta.ucm.es
MADRID FACULTAD DE ODONTOLOGÍA Departamento de Estomatología IV (Profilaxis …

Twin blocks in the treatment of class III malocclusions. Review

YH Solano, AIE Guerra, AM Pedrón, LAS Cantero… - Multimed, 2022 - medigraphic.com
Treatment of class III malocclusions in growing patients is usually performed with intraoral or
extraoral braces. The objective was to analyze the skeletal changes by treating class III …