Extreme nanophotonics from ultrathin metallic gaps
Ultrathin dielectric gaps between metals can trap plasmonic optical modes with surprisingly
low loss and with volumes below 1 nm3. We review the origin and subtle properties of these …
low loss and with volumes below 1 nm3. We review the origin and subtle properties of these …
Present and future of surface-enhanced Raman scattering
The discovery of the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on
nanostructured metal surfaces is a landmark in the history of spectroscopic and analytical …
nanostructured metal surfaces is a landmark in the history of spectroscopic and analytical …
Plasmonic phenomena in molecular junctions: principles and applications
Molecular junctions are building blocks for constructing future nanoelectronic devices that
enable the investigation of a broad range of electronic transport properties within nanoscale …
enable the investigation of a broad range of electronic transport properties within nanoscale …
Toward modeling the complexity of the chemical mechanism in SERS
Surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) provides detailed information about the
binding of molecules at interfaces and their interactions with the local environment due to …
binding of molecules at interfaces and their interactions with the local environment due to …
Plasmons in strongly coupled metallic nanostructures
The vivid optical properties of noble metal nanoparticles have been an object of fascination
since ancient times. The ruby red of stained glass windows arises from gold nanoparticles …
since ancient times. The ruby red of stained glass windows arises from gold nanoparticles …
Bridging quantum and classical plasmonics with a quantum-corrected model
Electromagnetic coupling between plasmonic resonances in metallic nanoparticles allows
for engineering of the optical response and generation of strong localized near-fields …
for engineering of the optical response and generation of strong localized near-fields …
Near-field mediated plexcitonic coupling and giant Rabi splitting in individual metallic dimers
Strong coupling between resonantly matched localized surface plasmons and molecular
excitons results in the formation of new hybridized energy states called plexcitons …
excitons results in the formation of new hybridized energy states called plexcitons …
Quantum mechanical effects in plasmonic structures with subnanometre gaps
Metallic structures with nanogap features have proven highly effective as building blocks for
plasmonic systems, as they can provide a wide tuning range of operating frequencies and …
plasmonic systems, as they can provide a wide tuning range of operating frequencies and …
Atomic-scale lightning rod effect in plasmonic picocavities: A classical view to a quantum effect
Plasmonic gaps are known to produce nanoscale localization and enhancement of optical
fields, providing small effective mode volumes of about a few hundred nm3. Atomistic …
fields, providing small effective mode volumes of about a few hundred nm3. Atomistic …
Atomistic near-field nanoplasmonics: reaching atomic-scale resolution in nanooptics
Electromagnetic field localization in nanoantennas is one of the leitmotivs that drives the
development of plasmonics. The near-fields in these plasmonic nanoantennas are …
development of plasmonics. The near-fields in these plasmonic nanoantennas are …