Molecular characterization, population structure analysis, and association map** of Turkish parsley genotypes using iPBS markers
ÖF Coşkun - Horticulturae, 2023 - mdpi.com
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum Mill.) is a vegetable that has many benefits for human health,
and its cultivation is increasing. In order to carry out breeding studies in parsley, genotypes …
and its cultivation is increasing. In order to carry out breeding studies in parsley, genotypes …
Genetic diversity and population structure associated with resistance to Phytophthora melonis-Pumpkin interaction pathosystem
M Najafi, MN Esfahani, AN Esfahani, K Shirazii… - Ecological Genetics and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo), a versatile-member of the Cucurbitaceae-family, holds significant
commercial-value in numerous countries, both as a cultivated-field-crop and a home-garden …
commercial-value in numerous countries, both as a cultivated-field-crop and a home-garden …
Determination of markers associated with important agronomic traits of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus L.)
Association analysis using phenotypic information and molecular markers may provide
valuable information for molecular breeding and marker-assisted selection. The objectives …
valuable information for molecular breeding and marker-assisted selection. The objectives …
Çerezlik karpuz genotiplerinin ISSR tekniği ile moleküler karakterizasyonu
Bazı karpuz genotipleri tohum özelliklerinden dolayı çerezlik olarak yetiştirilmekte ve
tüketilmektedir. Çerezlik potansiyeli olan genotiplerde ıslah çalışmalarının yapılabilmesi için …
tüketilmektedir. Çerezlik potansiyeli olan genotiplerde ıslah çalışmalarının yapılabilmesi için …
Molecular characterization and population structure analysis of luffa (Luffa aegyptiaca Mill.) germplasm using inter‑Primer Binding Site (iPBS) retrotransposon …
Sponge gourd (Luffa aegyptiaca), an economically significant member of the Cucurbitaceae
family, is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its applications as a …
family, is widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions for its applications as a …
Effects of grafting on genomic stability in salinity stress conditions in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
ÖF Coşkun - Erciyes Tarım ve Hayvan Bilimleri Dergisi, 2023 - dergipark.org.tr
Cucumber is an important type of vegetable that is grown in high quantities. Abiotic stress
factors can cause significant morphological, physiological and molecular changes in …
factors can cause significant morphological, physiological and molecular changes in …
Genome-wide analysis of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Lines to identify zucchini yellow mosaic virus resistance loci
Zucchini yellow mosaic virus (ZYMV) is one of the most important pathogens that cause yield
losses in cucumber. The objectives of this study were to investigate the structure of genetic …
losses in cucumber. The objectives of this study were to investigate the structure of genetic …
Population structure analysis and molecular characterization of duckweed genotypes using ipbs and issr markers
OF Coskun, D Aydin - Bangladesh Journal of Botany, 2024 - banglajol.info
The duckweed subfamily, Lemnoideae, is the smallest group of flowering plants. It is
considered a vegetable since duckweeds are used for human nutrition, and there are …
considered a vegetable since duckweeds are used for human nutrition, and there are …
Molecular characterization of edible seed watermelon genotypes by ISSR technique.
Some watermelon genotypes are grown and consumed as edible due to their seed
characteristics. Genetic analyzes should be carried out in order to carry out breeding studies …
characteristics. Genetic analyzes should be carried out in order to carry out breeding studies …
Determination of genetic diversity of edible-seeded watermelon genotypes using SRAP markers
Karpuz (Citrullus lanatus L.) dünyada en çok yetiştirilen ve tüketilen sebzelerden biridir.
Önemli bir varyasyona sahip olan karpuzun bazı genotipleri, tohum özelliklerinden dolayı …
Önemli bir varyasyona sahip olan karpuzun bazı genotipleri, tohum özelliklerinden dolayı …