The evolution and ecology of multiple antipredator defences
Prey seldom rely on a single type of antipredator defence, often using multiple defences to
avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of …
avoid predation. In many cases, selection in different contexts may favour the evolution of …
Antipredator strategies of pupae: how to avoid predation in an immobile life stage?
C Lindstedt, L Murphy… - … Transactions of the …, 2019 -
Antipredator strategies of the pupal stage in insects have received little attention in
comparison to larval or adult stages. This is despite the fact that predation risk can be high …
comparison to larval or adult stages. This is despite the fact that predation risk can be high …
How life became colourful: colour vision, aposematism, sexual selection, flowers, and fruits
Plants and animals are often adorned with potentially conspicuous colours (eg red, yellow,
orange, blue, purple). These include the dazzling colours of fruits and flowers, the brilliant …
orange, blue, purple). These include the dazzling colours of fruits and flowers, the brilliant …
Weak warning signals can persist in the absence of gene flow
Aposematic organisms couple conspicuous warning signals with a secondary defense to
deter predators from attacking. Novel signals of aposematic prey are expected to be …
deter predators from attacking. Novel signals of aposematic prey are expected to be …
Linking predator responses to alkaloid variability in poison frogs
Many chemically-defended/aposematic species rely on diet for sequestering the toxins with
which they defend themselves. This dietary acquisition can lead to variable chemical …
which they defend themselves. This dietary acquisition can lead to variable chemical …
On the biological diversity of ant alkaloids
Ants have outstanding capacity to mediate inter-and intraspecific interactions by producing
structurally diverse metabolites from numerous secretory glands. Since Murray Blum's …
structurally diverse metabolites from numerous secretory glands. Since Murray Blum's …
Geographic mosaic of selection by avian predators on hindwing warning colour in a polymorphic aposematic moth
Warning signals are predicted to develop signal monomorphism via positive frequency‐
dependent selection (+ FDS) albeit many aposematic systems exhibit signal polymorphism …
dependent selection (+ FDS) albeit many aposematic systems exhibit signal polymorphism …
Exploring polymorphism in a palatable prey: predation risk and frequency dependence in relation to distinct levels of conspicuousness
Camouflage and warning signals are different antipredator strategies, which offer an
excellent opportunity to study the evolutionary forces acting on prey appearance. Edible …
excellent opportunity to study the evolutionary forces acting on prey appearance. Edible …
Meta-analytic evidence for quantitative honesty in aposematic signals
The combined use of noxious chemical defences and conspicuous warning colours is a
ubiquitous anti-predator strategy. That such signals advertise the presence of defences is …
ubiquitous anti-predator strategy. That such signals advertise the presence of defences is …
Multimodal aposematic signals and their emerging role in mate attraction
Chemically defended animals often display conspicuous color patterns that predators learn
to associate with their unprofitability and subsequently avoid. Such animals (ie, aposematic) …
to associate with their unprofitability and subsequently avoid. Such animals (ie, aposematic) …