Effects of compression on speech acoustics, intelligibility, and sound quality
PE Souza - Trends in amplification, 2002 - journals.sagepub.com
The topic of compression has been discussed quite extensively in the last 20 years (eg,
Braida et al., 1982;,;;; and 2002;;;;; Verschuure et al., 1996;). However, the latest …
Braida et al., 1982;,;;; and 2002;;;;; Verschuure et al., 1996;). However, the latest …
Coding of sounds in the auditory system and its relevance to signal processing and coding in cochlear implants
BCJ Moore - Otology & neurotology, 2003 - journals.lww.com
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[KNYGA][B] An introduction to the psychology of hearing
BCJ Moore - 2012 - books.google.com
Now available in a sixth edition, An Introduction to the Psychology of Hearing is the leading
textbook in the field of auditory perception, also known as psychoacoustics. The textbooks …
textbook in the field of auditory perception, also known as psychoacoustics. The textbooks …
[KNYGA][B] Cochlear hearing loss: physiological, psychological and technical issues
BCJ Moore - 2007 - books.google.com
Since the first edition was published in 1998, considerable advances have been made in the
fields of pitch perception and speech perception. In addition, there have been major …
fields of pitch perception and speech perception. In addition, there have been major …
Linear and nonlinear hearing aid fittings–1. Patterns of benefit: adaptación de auxiliares auditivos lineales y no lineales–1. Patrones de beneficio
S Gatehouse, G Naylor, C Elberling - International Journal of …, 2006 - Taylor & Francis
We evaluated the benefits of fast-acting WDRC, slowacting AVC, and linear reference fittings
for speech intelligibility and reported disability, in a within-subject within-device masked …
for speech intelligibility and reported disability, in a within-subject within-device masked …
Development of a new method for deriving initial fittings for hearing aids with multi-channel compression: CAMEQ2-HF
Moore et al (1999b) described a procedure, CAMEQ, for the initial fitting of multi-channel
compression hearing aids. The procedure was derived using a model of loudness …
compression hearing aids. The procedure was derived using a model of loudness …
The choice of compression speed in hearing aids: Theoretical and practical considerations and the role of individual differences
BCJ Moore - Trends in amplification, 2008 - journals.sagepub.com
Compression is used in hearing aids to compensate for the effects of loudness recruitment.
This article describes the distinction between, and relative merits of, slow and fast …
This article describes the distinction between, and relative merits of, slow and fast …
Tolerable hearing aid delays. III. Effects on speech production and perception of across-frequency variation in delay
Objective Signal processing strategies that attempt to mimic the frequency resolution of the
healthy cochlea require finer frequency resolution at low frequencies than at high. The …
healthy cochlea require finer frequency resolution at low frequencies than at high. The …
[KNYGA][B] Assistive technology for the hearing-impaired, deaf and deafblind
MA Hersh, MA Johnson - 2003 - Springer
3 Hearing-aid Principles and Technology Page 1 3 Hearing-aid Principles and Technology 3.1
Learning Objectives The general features of a hearing aid, and brief résumés of some technical …
Learning Objectives The general features of a hearing aid, and brief résumés of some technical …
Speech processing for the hearing-impaired: successes, failures, and implications for speech mechanisms
BCJ Moore - Speech communication, 2003 - Elsevier
People with sensorineural hearing impairment typically have more difficulty than normally
hearing people in understanding speech in the presence of background sounds. This paper …
hearing people in understanding speech in the presence of background sounds. This paper …